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· AOAC 2000.02 Patulin in Clear and Cloudy Apple Juices and Apple Puree(苹果汁和苹果酱中的棒曲霉素的测定)
· AOAC 2000.01 Determination of 3-Chloro-1,2-Propanediol in Foods and Food Ingredients(食品中3-氯-1,2-丙二醇的测定)
· AOAC 998.08 Escherichia coli Counts in Poultry, Meats, and Seafood, Dry Rehydratable Film Method(家禽,肉和海产品中大肠杆菌的检测再水化干膜法)
· AOAC 997.10 Reserpine and Rescinnamine in Rauwolfia serpentina in Powders and Tablets(萝芙木中利血平和萝芙木碱的测定)
· AOAC 997.07 N-octyl Bicycloheptene Dicarboximide(MGK 264),Pyrethrins and Piperonyl Butoxide(PB) in Technical Masterials,Concentrates,and Finished Products(工业原料、浓缩及成品中N-癸基双环庚基二羧基亚胺、除虫菊酯和增效醚的测定)
· AOAC 996.10 Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli(EHEC) O157 H7 Detection in Selected Foods(食品中O157 H7型肠出血性大肠杆菌)
· AOAC 993.12 Listeria monocytogenes in Milk and Dairy Products(奶和乳制品中单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌的测定)
· AOAC 996.12 Glyphosate in Water-Soluble Granular Formulations(草甘膦水溶性颗粒剂的测定)
· AOAC 993.10 Clostridium perfringens from Shellfish(贝类产品中产气荚膜梭菌的测定)
· AOAC 993.02 Bentazon in Pesticide Formulations(杀虫剂灭草松的检测方法)
· AOAC 993.01 Phosphamidon in Technical and Formulated Products(磷胺的检测方法)
· AOAC 992.17 Diquat and Paraquat Residues in Potatoes Liquid Chromatographic Method(马铃薯中敌草快和百草枯液相色谱测定法)
· AOAC 991.18 Essential Oil in Hops and Hop Pellets Steam Distillation Method(蛇麻草和蛇麻球中香精油的蒸汽蒸馏法测定)
· AOAC 991.14 食品中的大肠菌群和大肠杆菌的检测 再水化干膜法
· AOAC 990.12 食品中细菌总数的检测 再水化干膜法
· AOAC 990.07 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (as Aroclor 1254) in Serum(血清中多氯联苯的测定)
· AOAC 986.33 牛奶中细菌和大肠菌群的检测 再水化干膜法
· AOAC 986.20 Ethylene Dibromide in Grains and Grain Products Gas Chromatographic Method(谷物及谷物产品中二溴乙烷的气象色谱法测定)
· AOAC 986.07 Fensulfothion in Pesticide Formulations(杀虫剂丰索磷的检测法)
· AOAC 975.40 N-Methylcarbamate Insecticide Residues(杀虫剂氨基甲酸甲酯残留的测定)
· AOAC 974.21 Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Paper and Paperboard Gas Chromatographic Method(纸和卡纸中多氯联苯的气相色谱分析法测定)
· AOAC 973.39 Ethylan (Perthane) Pesticide Residues Gas Chromatographic Method(杀虫剂乙滴涕残留的气相色谱法测定)
· AOAC 968.26 Carbaryl Pesticide Residues Qualitative and Semiquantitative Method(杀虫剂西维因残留的定性和半定量测定方法)
· AOAC 968.25 Biphenyl Pesticide Residues in Citrus Fruits Thin-Layer Chromatographic–Spectrophotometric Method(柑橘类水果中杀虫剂联苯薄层色谱分光光度测定法)
· AOAC 968.25 Biphenyl Pesticide Residues in Citrus Fruits Thin-Layer Chromatographic–Spectrophotometric Method(柑橘类水果中杀虫剂联苯薄层色谱分光光度测定法)
· AOAC 965.36 Dichlone Pesticide Residues Spectrophotometric Method(杀虫剂二氯萘醌残留的分光光度测定)
· AOAC 964.19 Dodine Pesticide Residues Spectrophotometric Method(杀虫剂多果定残留的分光光度测定)
· AOAC 964.18 Carbaryl Pesticide Residues Colorimetric Method(杀虫剂西维因残留的比色测定法)
· AOAC 964.17 Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues(有机磷农药的测定)
· AOAC 963.23 Glyodin Pesticide Residues Spectrophotometric Method(杀虫剂果绿定残留的分光光度测定)
· AOAC 961.12 Azinphos–Methyl Pesticide Residues Spectrophotometric Method(杀虫剂甲基谷硫磷残留的分光光度测定法)
· AOAC 960.41 DDT Pesticide Residues Colorimetric Method(杀虫剂滴滴涕残留的比色测定法)
· AOAC 958.08 p-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Sulfone Pesticide Residues Spectrophotometric Method(杀虫剂氯杀砜残留的分光光度测定法)
· AOAC 958.07 Lindane and Technical BHC Pesticide Residues(杀虫剂林丹和六六六残留的测定)
· AOAC 957.14 Bromates and Iodates in White and Whole Wheat Flour(全麦粉溴化和碘化的测定)
· AOAC 956.03 Captan Pesticide Residues Spectrophotometric Method(杀虫剂克菌丹的分光光度测定法)
· AOAC 897.01 Formaldehyde in Pesticide Formulations(杀虫剂甲醛的测定)
· AOAC 896.01 Lactose in Milk(乳中乳糖的测定)
· AOAC 893.01 Oil (Sesame) in Oils and Fats(油和脂肪中(芝麻)油含量的测定)
· EAOAC 958.07 Lindane and Technical BHC Pesticide Residues(杀虫剂林丹和六六六残留的测定)




By WWT at 2008-12 with 0 review(s). [工程技术翻译]

Point Of View (need audit)

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