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1. 董事会秘书有以下情形之一的,公司应当自相关事实发生之日起一个月内将其解聘:






2. 公司解聘董事会秘书应当具有充分理由,不得无故将其解聘。董事会秘书被解聘或辞职时,公司应当及时向证券交易所和公司所在地的中国证监会派出机构报告,说明原因并公告。董事会秘书有权就被公司不当解聘或者与辞职有关的情况,向证券交易所或其他相关监管机构提交个人陈述报告。


3. 董事会秘书离任前,应当接受董事会、监事会的离任审查,在公司监事会的监督下移交有关文档文件、正在办理或待办理事项。公司应当在聘任董事会秘书时与其签订保密协议,要求其承诺在任职期间以及离任后持续履行保密义务直至有关信息公开披露为止,但涉及公司违法违规行为的信息除外。

4. 公司在聘任董事会秘书的同时,还应当聘任证券事务代表,协助董事会秘书履行职责。在董事会秘书不能履行职责时,证券事务代表应当代为发行其职责并行使相应权力。在此期间,并不当然免除董事会秘书对公司信息披露事务所负有的责任。


5. 董事会秘书空缺期间,公司应当及时指定一名董事或者高级管理人员代行董事会秘书的职责,并报证券交易所备案,同时尽职确定董事会秘书的人选。公司指定代行董事会秘书职责的人员之前,由董事长代行董事会秘书职责。


6. 董事会秘书空缺时间超过三个月的,董事长应当代行董事会秘书职责,直至公司聘任新的董事会秘书。

7. 公司应当保证董事会秘书在任职期间按要求参加证券交易所组织的董事会秘书后续培训。

第三章      有关股权管理和信息披露事项

8. 公司指定董事会秘书或证券事务代表向证券交易所和中国证监会办理公司的股权管理与信息披露事务。

9. 董事会秘书应当在信息披露前将公告文稿及相关材料报送证券交易所。所报文稿及材料应为中文打印并签字盖章,规格尽寸为A4,文稿上应当写明拟公告的日期及报纸。经证券交易所同意后,公司自行联系公告事项。不能按预定日期公告的,应当及时报告证券交易所。

10. 公司指定中国证监会指定的报纸和网站为刊登公司公告和其他需要披露信息的媒体和网站。在选定或变更指定信息披露的报纸和网站后,在两个工作日内报告证券交易所。根据法律、法规和证券交易所规定应进行披露的信息,公司应在第一时间在上述报纸和网站公布。

11. 董事会秘书应当按规定及时做好以下公司信息披露事务:

1. 在每一个会计年度的前六个月结束后的60日内公告中期报告,并按要求在指定网站及报纸上披露;

2. 在每一个会计年度结束后120日内公告经注册会计师事务所审计的年度报告;

3. 在每一个会计年度前三个月、九个月结束后的30日内公告季度报告;

4. 股东大会决议形成后的当日内,董事会、监事会决议形成后的两个工作日内报送证券交易所审核后进行披露;

5. 重大事件发生后的2个工作日内报证券交易所审核后进行披露;

6. 在任何公共传播媒介中出现的消息可能对公司股票的市场价格产生误导性影响时,公司知悉后应当立即对该消息作出公开澄清。

12. 保证公司信息披露的真实、完整、准确。

13. 公司发生重大事件,及时向证券交易所和中国证监会、公司所在地的中国证监会派出机构报告并公告:













1. Where Secretary of the Board belongs to any of the following cases, he/she shall be removed within one month after such case happens:

 Any of cases as prescribed in Article 5 of the Working Rules hereof;

 Inability to perform his/her duties for over consecutive three months;

 Produced heavy losses to investors due to severe mistakes or negligence during performing his/her duties;

 Violated laws, rules and regulations, rules governing the listing, other regulations made by Stock Exchanges and the Articles of Association, and produced heavy losses to investors;

 Other circumstances of Secretary performance suspension deemed by Stock Exchange(s) and CSRC

2. Removal decision made to Secretary of the Board by the Company shall be adequate and reasonable, and any removal without any reasons is prohibited. In case Secretary of the Board is removed or resigned, the Company shall make timely report and explanation why such decision is made to Stock Exchange(s) and CSRC’s office governing the Company together public announcement. Secretary of the Board has right to make personal statement to Stock Exchange(s) or other concerned supervisions to complain about improper removal suffered or explain why such resignation is made. 

3. Before Secretary of the Board leaves his/her post, he/she shall accept auditing necessary for such leaving made by the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, handover relevant documentations and proceedings being handled or ready to be handled under the supervision of the Board of Supervisors. The Company shall sign the non-disclosure agreement with Secretary of the Board at the time when he/she is appointed and request him/her to perform confidentiality obligations to keep secret information undisclosed during or beyond his/her term until such secret information being disclosed; however, disclosure of information on unlawful or irregular acts of the Company is excluded. 

4. The Company also shall appoint a Securities Affair Representative at the same time when Secretary of the Board is engaged, who shall assist Secretary of the Board in performing duties. Where Secretary of the Board is unable to exercise his/her authorities, the Securities Affair Representative shall exercise such authorities and power as Secretary of the Board does. In this case, liabilities of Secretary of the Board for the Company information disclosure affairs shall not be exempted.

The appointed Securities Affair Representative shall have the Qualification Certificate of Secretary of the Board training course issued by Stock Exchange(s).

5. During the absence of Secretary of the Board, the Company shall make timely designation to a director or senior management to exercise duties as Secretary of the Board, report such designation to Stock Exchange(s) for registration, and make best effort to fix the candidate(s) as Secretary of the Board. The Board Chairman is entitled to exercise the duties as Secretary of the Board during the period before the Company chooses a temporary person as Secretary of the Board.

6. Where the absence of Secretary of the Board exceeds three months, the Board Chairman is entitled to exercise the duties as Secretary of the Board until a new Secretary of the Board is appointed.

7. The Company shall give Secretary of the Board freedom during his/her term to attend required secretary training courses organized by Stock Exchange(s).


Chapter 3   Work with Stock Equity Management and Information Disclosure

8. Secretary of the Board or Securities Affair Representative is the designated person who is responsible for the Company in handling stock equity management and information disclosure affairs in Stock Exchange(s) and China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CSRC”).

9. Secretary of the Board is obligated to submit public announcement files or concerned materials to Stock Exchange(s) prior to information being disclosed. The submitted files or materials shall be A4-size signed and stamped printouts in Chinese language, and date and newspaper(s) on which the public announcement is planned to be published shall be read in such files. The Company shall make its own public announcement arrangement when its submittals are approved by Stock Exchange(s). If the scheduled public announcement can not be made in due time, it shall be reported timely to Stock Exchange(s).

10. The Company shall select those Medias and websites designated by CSRC as its places to publish the Company public announcements and disclose other information deemed necessary. The selected newspapers and websites used for information disclosures shall be reported to Stock Exchange(s) within two working days immediately after such selection is made. The Company is obligated to disclose all information deemed necessary to be released to the public by laws, regulations and rules made by Stock Exchange(s) in the earliest time.

11. Secretary of the Board is obligated to handle the Company information disclosures properly as per requirement as listed follows:

7. Announce the mid-term statement within 60 days after ending of first six months of each fiscal year and disclose it as per requirement in designated websites and newspaper(s);

8. Announce the annual statement audited by a registered accounting firm within 120 days after ending of each fiscal year;

9. Announce the quarterly statements within 30 days after endings of first three months and nine months of each fiscal year;

10. Submit the Shareholders’ Meeting resolutions to Stock Exchange(s) for review and approval within the same day when such resolutions are made and then disclose them to the public; Submit the resolutions made by the Board of Directors or Board of Supervisors to Stock Exchange(s) for review and approval within 2 days after such resolutions are made and then disclose them to the public;

11. Summit major events to Stock Exchange(s) within 2 days after such events are occurred and then disclose them to the public;

12. Whenever there is a possibility that any information read in public Medias will produce misguiding to the market price of the Company’s shares, a clarification on such information shall be made to the public immediately after the Company is aware of it.

12. Ensure that all disclosed Company information are true, complete and accurate.

13. Whenever any of the following major events happens, make timely report to Stock Exchange(s), CSRC as well as CSRC office governing the Company together with public announcement:

 Any changes of company name, stock name, the Article of Association, registered capital and registered address;

 Any changes of the Company’s business scope or main business contents;

 Any contracts established by the Company or loan guarantees for others made by the Company contain total sum equal to 10% or above of the net assets of the Company;

 Change of the first major shareholder of the Company, alternation of raised fund investment, affiliated transaction with a transaction amount equal to 0.5% of the Company’s net assets, abnormal change of shareholders’ interests, corporation acquisition, reorganization or release of assets, and management on a commission basis, etc.;

 Major deficits suffered by the Company or losses equal to 10% or above of the Company’s net assets;

 Dispute over obligation equal to 10% of the Company’s net assets; 

 Change of the Board Chairman, 1/3 or above directors or managers;

 Significant share change found in shareholders who have 5% or above of the Company’s total shares;

 Resolutions made by the Company regarding capital decrease, merge, division, dissolution and bankruptcy application;

 Major lawsuits the Company is involved, cancellation of resolutions made by Shareholders’ General Meeting / Board of Directors or judgment prohibiting transfer of shares held by major shareholders who have authorities over the Company made by the people’s court;

 Change of accounting firm that is responsible for auditing the Company;

By WWT at 2008-12 with 0 review(s). [翻译学习相关]

Point Of View (need audit)

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