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 BS EN 112001-1980  电子件质量保证协调体系.空白详细规范.图象转换器和图象增强管  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: image converter and image intensifier tubes)
 BS EN 1121-2000  门.在两种不同气候间的状态.试验方法  (Doors - Behaviour between two different climates - Test method)
 BS EN 1122-2001  塑料.镉的测定.湿分解法  (Plastics - Determination of cadmium - Wet decomposition method)
 BS EN 1123-1-1999  污水系统用带套管的纵向焊接热浸镀锌钢管及配件.要求、试验和质量控制  (Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems - Requirements, testing, quality control)
 BS EN 1123-2-1999  污水系统用带套管和孔座的纵向焊接热浸镀锌钢管和配件.尺寸  (Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems - Dimensions)
 BS EN 1123-3-2004  污水系统用带插接套的纵向焊接热浸镀锌钢管及配件.真空排水系统以及造船用排水系统的尺寸和特殊要求  
 BS EN 1124-1-1999  污水系统用带套管和孔座的纵向焊接不锈钢管和配件.要求、测试和质量控制  (Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems - Requirements, testing, quality control)
 BS EN 1124-2-1999  废水系统用带龙头和套管的纵向焊接不锈钢管道的管和配件.系统S.尺寸  (Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems - System S. Dimensions)
 BS EN 1124-3-1999  污水系统用带套管和孔座的纵向焊接不锈钢管和配件.系统X、要求  (Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems - System X; dimensions)
 BS EN 1125-1997  建筑硬件.水平棒操作的紧急出口.要求和实验方法  (Building hardware - Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 1127-1-1998  爆炸性环境.爆炸防止和防护.基本概念和方法  (Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Basic concepts and methodology)
 BS EN 1127-2-2002  爆炸性环境.爆炸预防和防护.采矿用基本概念和方法  (Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Basic concepts and methodology for mining)
 BS EN 1128-1996  混凝土连接碎料板.硬体冲击阻力测定  (Cement-bonded particleboards - Determination of hard body impact resistance)
 BS EN 1129-1-1995  家具.折叠床.安全技术要求和检验方法.安全技术要求  (Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Safety requirements)
 BS EN 1129-2-1995  家具.折叠床.安全技术要求和检验方法.试验方法  (Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Test methods)
 BS EN 113-1997  木材防腐剂.测定对损害木材的担子菌纲防护效果的试验方法.有毒物数值的测定.  (Wood preservatives - Test method for determining the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes - Determination of the toxic values)
 BS EN 1130-1-1997  家具.家用框形物和摇篮.安全要求  (Furniture - Cribs and cradles for domestic use - Safety requirements)
 BS EN 1130-2-1996  家具.家用框形物和摇篮.试验方法  (Furniture - Cribs and cradles for domestic use - Test methods)
 BS EN 113000-1981  电子器件质量评定协调体系.总规范.摄像管  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Generic specification: camera tubes)
 BS EN 113001-1981  电子件质量保证协调体系.空白详细规范.摄像管  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: camera tubes)
 BS EN 1131-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁相对密度的测定方法  (Method for determination of the relative density of fruit and vegetable juices)
 BS EN 1132-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁pH值的测定方法  (Method determination of the pH-value of fruit and vegetable juices)
 BS EN 1133-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁甲醛值测定方法  (Method for determination of formol number of fruit and vegetable juices)
 BS EN 1134-1995  用原子吸收光谱法测定果汁和蔬菜汁中钠、钾、钙和镁的含量  (Method for determination of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium contents of fruit and vegetable juices by atomic absorption spectrometry)
 BS EN 1135-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁.灰分测定方法  (Fruit and vegetable juices - Method for determination of ash)
 BS EN 1136-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁中磷含量的测定方法:光谱法  (Method for determination of phosphorus content of fruit and vegetable juices: spectrometric method)
 BS EN 1137-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁中柠檬酸含量的测定方法:NADH光谱法  (Method for determination of citric acid (citrate) content of fruit and vegetable juices: NADH spectrometric method)
 BS EN 1138-1995  测定果汁和蔬菜汁中L-苹果酸的酶催化法.NADH光谱法  (Method for enzymatic determination of L-malic acid (L-malate) content of fruit and vegetable juices - NADH spectrometric method)
 BS EN 1139-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁均匀柠檬酸含量的测定方法.NADPH光谱法  Method for determination of DOWND-isocitric acid content of fruit and vegetable juices - NADPH spectrometric method
 BS EN 1140-1995  NADPH光谱法测定果糖和葡萄糖含量的方法  (Method for determination of DOWND-glucose and DOWND-fructose content of fruit and vegetable juices - NADPH spectrometric method)
 BS EN 114000-1984  电子器件质量评定协调体系.总规范:光电倍增管  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components: generic specification: photomultiplier tubes)
 BS EN 114001-1984  电子件质量保证协调体系.空白详细规范.充气管  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: photomultiplier tubes)
 BS EN 1141-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁中脯氨酸含量的测定方法.光谱法  (Method for determination of proline content in fruit and vegetable juices: spectrometric method)
 BS EN 1142-1995  果汁和蔬菜汁中硫酸盐含量的测定  (Method for determination of sulfate content of fruit and vegetable juices)
 BS EN 1143-1-1997  安全存储单.防盗检验的要求,分级和方法.第1部分:钱柜,保险库门和保险库  (Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms)
 BS EN 1143-1-2005  安全存储装置.防盗设备的要求、分类和试验方法.保险柜、ATM保险柜、保险库门和保险库  
 BS EN 1143-2-2002  安全存储装置.防盗检验的要求、分类和方法.储存系统  (Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Deposit systems)
 BS EN 1146-1997  自救呼吸保护装置.带面具的自带开放线路压缩空气呼吸装置(带面具的压缩空气逃生装置).要求、试验和标记  (Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue - Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus incorporating a hood (compressed air escape apparatus with hood) - Requirements, testing)
 BS EN 1147-2001  消防用便携式梯子  (Portable ladders for fire service use)
 BS EN 1148-1999  热交换器.区域供暖用水换热器.确定性能数据的试验程序  (Heat exchangers - Water-to-water heat exchangers for district heating - Test procedures for establishing the performance data)
 BS EN 1149-1-1996  防护服.静电性能.第1部分:表面电阻(检验方法和要求)  (Protective clothing - Electrostatic properties - Surface resistivity (test methods and requirements))
 BS EN 1149-2-1997  防护服装.静电特性.通过材料的电阻(垂直电阻)的测量的实验方法  (Protective clothing - Electrostatic properties - Test method for measurement of the electrical resistance through a material (vertical resistance))
 BS EN 1149-3-2004  防护服.静电性能.电荷衰减测量的试验方法  
 BS EN 115-1995  自动电梯和乘客输送带的制造和安装的安全规则  (Safety rules for the construction and installation of escalators and passenger conveyors)
 BS EN 1150-1999  防护服.非职业用清晰度服装.试验方法和要求  (Protective clothing - Visibility clothing for non-professional use - Test methods and requirements)
 BS EN 1151-1999  泵.旋转动力泵.家用热水安装和供热安装用的电效应不超过200W的循环泵.要求,试验,标记  (Pumps - Rotodynamic pumps - Circulation pumps having an electrical effect not exceeding 200 W for heating installations and domestic hot water installations - Requirements, testing, marking)
 BS EN 1152-1995  农业和林业用拖拉机和机械.动力输出驱动轴保护.耐磨和强度试验  (Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Guards for power take-off (PTO) drive shafts - Wear and strength tests)
 BS EN 1153-1996  厨房家具.内装和外放厨柜和工作台的安全要求和检验方法.  (Kitchen furniture - Safety requirements and test methods for built-in and free standing kitchen cabinets and work tops)
 BS EN 1154-1997  建筑构件.控制门关闭装置.要求和试验方法  (Building hardware - Controlled door closing devices - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 1155-1997  建筑用硬件.旋转门用明电源驱动器的试验方法和要求  (Building hardware - Electrically powered hold-open devices for swing doors - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 1158-1997  建筑金属器具.门协调装置.要求和试验方法  (Building hardware - Door coordinator devices - Requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 1159-1-2004  高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷复合材料.热机械性能.热膨胀性的测定  
 BS EN 1159-2-2003  高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷复合材料.热机械性能.热扩散系数的测定  (Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites - Thermophysical properties - Determination of thermal diffusivity)
 BS EN 1159-3-2003  高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷复合材料.热机械性能.比热容的测定  (Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites - Thermophysical properties - Determination of specific heat capacity)
 BS EN 116-1998  柴油和家用加热用燃料.冷式过滤器堵塞点的测定  (Diesel and domestic heating fuels - Determination of cold filter plugging point)
 BS EN 1160-1997  液化天然气用设备和装置.液化天然气的一般性能  (Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas - General characteristics of liquefied natural gas)
 BS EN 116000-2-1986  电子器件质量评定协调体系.总规范:有或无机电继电器.时间延迟继电器总数据和试验方法  Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Generic specification: electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Generic data and methods of test for time delay relays
 BS EN 116000-3-1996  电子器件质量评定协调体系.总规范:机电“有“或“无“继电器.试验和测量程序  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Generic specification: electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Test and measurement procedures)
 BS EN 1161-1997  羽毛和绒毛.检验方法.湿度测定  (Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of moisture content)
 BS EN 1162-1997  羽毛和绒毛.检验方法.氧指数测定  (Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the oxygen index number)
 BS EN 116200-1992  电子件的质量保证协调体系.分规范.机电配电继电器(包括恶劣的环境条件下用的继电器)  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Sectional specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays (including relays for severe environmental conditions))
 BS EN 116203-1995  电子器件质量评定协调体系规范.空白详细规范.增强型工业用“有“或“无“机电继电器  (Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays for enhanced industrial application)
 BS EN 116204-1995  电子器件质量评定协调体系规范.空白详细规范.攻击型工业用“有“或“无“机电继电器  (Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification - Electromechanical all-or-nothing sealed relays for aggressive industrial application)
 BS EN 116205/116206/116207-199  电子器件的质量评估系统一致性.空白详细规范.气密密封继电器.用于严格的静态环境条件(116025).用于严格的  ()
 BS EN 1163-1997  羽毛和绒毛.检验方法.油含量和脂含量测定  (Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the oil and fat content)
 BS EN 116300-1994  电子器件质量评定协调体系.分规范.经过质量确认的高负荷电器机械配电继电器(电流强度5A以上)  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Sectional specification: electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays of assessed quality (rated from 5A and above))
 BS EN 116303-1996  电子件的质量评定协调体系.机电式“有“或“无“重载继电器质量评定的空白详细规范  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: electromechanical all-or-nothing heavy load relays of assessed quality (hermetically sealed, 5A to 25A))
 BS EN 1164-1999  羽毛和绒毛.试验方法.水解萃取混浊度的测定  (Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the turbidity of an aqueous extract)
 BS EN 1165-1997  羽毛和绒毛.检验方法.水溶解氯化物的测定  (Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of water-soluble chlorides)
 BS EN 1167-1996  羽毛和绒毛.羽毛和绒毛被褥尺寸测量的检验方法  (Feather and down - Method of test for measuring the sizes of quilts filled with feather and/or down)
 BS EN 1168-2005  预制混凝土产品.空芯板  
 BS EN 1169-1999  预制混凝土制品.玻璃纤维增强水泥的工厂生产控制的一般规则  (Precast concrete products - General rules for factory production control of glass-fibre reinforced cement)
 BS EN 117-2005  木材防腐剂.防犀白蚁属种(欧洲白蚁)的毒效测定(实验室法)  
 BS EN 1170-1-1998  预制混凝土产品.玻璃纤维增强水泥试验方法.基质坚实度的测量.“坍塌“试验方法  (Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Measuring the consistency of the matrix - ’slump test’ method)
 BS EN 1170-2-1998  预制混凝土产品.玻璃纤维增强水泥试验方法.添加GRC纤维含量的测量.冲刷试验  (Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Measuring the fibre content in fresh GRC, ’Wash out test’)
 BS EN 1170-3-1998  预制混凝土产品.玻璃纤维增强水泥的测试方法.喷射GRC纤维含量测定  Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Measuring the fibre content of sprayed GRC
 BS EN 1170-4-1998  预制混凝土产品.玻璃纤维增强水泥的测试方法.测定抗弯强度.简易弯曲试验法  Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Measuring bending strength - `Simplified bending test` method
 BS EN 1170-5-1998  预制混凝土产品.玻璃纤维增强水泥的测试方法.测定抗弯强度.完全弯曲试验法  Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Measuring bending strength, complete bending test method
 BS EN 1170-6-1998  预制混凝土产品.玻璃纤维增强水泥的测试方法.浸渍时水吸收的测定和干密度的测定  Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Determination of the absorption of water by immersion and determination of the dry density
 BS EN 1170-7-1998  预制混凝土产品.玻璃纤维增强水泥的测试方法.由于湿度引起尺寸变化的极限的测定  Precast concrete products - Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Measurement of extremes of dimensional variations due to moisture content
 BS EN 117000-1992  电子件的质量保证协调体系.总规范.经质量保证的半导体继电器.一般数据和检验方法  (Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Generic specification - Solid state all-or-nothing relays - Generic data and methods of test)
 BS EN 1171-2002  工业阀门.铸铁闸阀  (Industrial valves - Cast iron gate valves)
 BS EN 1172-1997  铜和铜合金.建筑用薄板和带材  Copper and copper alloys - Sheet and strip for building purposes
 BS EN 1173-1996  铜和铜合金.回火状态的名称与符号  Copper and copper alloys - Material condition or temper designation
 BS EN 1174-1-1996  医疗器械的消毒.微生物法.第1部分:产品的微生物群数的判断  Sterilization of medical devices - Estimation of the population of micro-organisms on product - Requirements
 BS EN 1174-2-1997  医疗器械的消毒.产品的微生物群数的估算.引导  Sterilization of medical devices - Estimation of the population of micro-organisms on product - Guidance
 BS EN 1174-3-1997  医疗器械的消毒.产品的微生物群数的估算.微生物技术正确性检验法指南  Sterilization of medical devices - Estimation of the population of micro-organisms on product - Guide to the methods for validation of microbiological techniques
 BS EN 1175-1-1998  工业货车安全.电气安全.电池驱动货车的一般要求  Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements - General requirements for battery powered trucks
 BS EN 1175-2-1998  工业货车安全.电气安全.内燃机驱动货车的一般要求  Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements - General requirements for internal combustion engine powered trucks
 BS EN 1175-3-1998  工业货车安全.电气安全.内燃机驱动货车电力传输系统的特殊要求  Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements - Specific requirements for the electric power transmission systems of internal combustion engine powered trucks
 BS EN 1176-1-1998  游乐场器材.一般安全要求和试验方法  Playground equipment - General safety requirements and test methods
 BS EN 1176-2-1998  游乐场设备.秋千试验方法和附加特殊安全要求  Playground equipment - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for swings
 BS EN 1176-3-1998  游乐场设备.滑梯试验方法和附加特殊安全要求  (Playground equipment - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for slides)
 BS EN 1176-4-1998  游乐场设备.跑道试验方法和特殊附加安全要求  (Playground equipment - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for runways)
 BS EN 1176-5-1999  游乐场器材.圆盘传送带的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法  (Playground equipment - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for carousels)
 BS EN 1176-6-1998  游乐场器材.摇摆设备的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法  (Playground equipment - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for rocking equipment)
 BS EN 1176-7-1997  游乐场器材.安装指南,检验,维护和操作  (Playground equipment - Guidance on installation, inspection, maintenance and operation)
 BS EN 1177-1998  冲击减震游乐场表面修整.安全要求和试验方法  (Impact absorbing playground surfacing - Safety requirements and test methods)
 BS EN 1179-2003  锌和锌合金.初级锌  (Zinc and zinc alloys - Primary zinc)
 BS EN 118-2005  木材防腐剂.对犀白蚁属种(欧洲白蚁)预防作用的测定(实验室法)  
 BS EN 1183-1997  与食品接触的材料和物品.热冲击和耐热冲击性的检验方法  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for thermal shock and thermal shock endurance
 BS EN 1184-1997  与食品接触的材料和物品.陶瓷物品透明度的检验方法  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for translucency of ceramic articles
 BS EN 1185-1995  淀粉及其制品.二氧化硫含量测定.酸滴定法  (Starches and derived products - Determination of sulfur dioxide content - Acidimetric method)
 BS EN 1186-1-2002  接触食品的材料和制品.塑料.第1部分:全迁移试验条件和试验方法的选择指南  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Guide to the selection of conditions and test methods for overall migration
 BS EN 1186-10-2002  接触食品的材料和制品.塑料.进入橄榄油中全迁移析出量的试验方法(橄榄油不完全萃取时用的改进方法)  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into olive oil (modified method for use in cases where incomplete extraction of olive oil occurs)
 BS EN 1186-11-2002  接触食品的材料和制品.塑料.全迁移到标记C的合成甘油三酸脂混合物的试验方法  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into mixtures of C-labelled synthetic triglycerides
 BS EN 1186-12-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移的低温试验方法  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration at low temperatures
 BS EN 1186-13-2002  接触食品的材料和制品.塑料.高温下全迁移物析出量的试验方法  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration at high temperatures
 BS EN 1186-14-2002  接触食品的材料和制品.塑料.高温下全迁移物析出量的试验方法  Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for `substitute tests` for overall migration from plastics intended to come into contact with fatty foodstuffs using test media iso-octane and 95% ethanol
 BS EN 1186-15-2002  接触食品的材料和制品.塑料.快速萃取异辛烷或95%酒精的脂肪食品塑料析出物迁移量的交替试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Alternative test methods to migration into fatty food simulants by rapid extraction into iso-octane and/or 95 % ethanol)
 BS EN 1186-2-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到橄榄油中的全浸没试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by total immersion)
 BS EN 1186-3-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到水状试验食品中的全浸没试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by total immersion)
 BS EN 1186-4-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到橄榄油中的电解槽试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by cell)
 BS EN 1186-5-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到水状试验食品中的电解槽试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by cell)
 BS EN 1186-6-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到橄榄油中的袋装试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into olive oil using a pouch)
 BS EN 1186-7-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到水状试验食品中的袋装试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants using a pouch)
 BS EN 1186-8-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到橄榄油中的充填物品试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by article filling)
 BS EN 1186-9-2002  接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.总迁移到水状试验食品中的充填物品试验方法  (Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by article filling)
 BS EN 1189-1997  水质.磷含量测定.钼酸铵分光光谱法  (Water quality - Determination of phosphorus - Ammonium molybdate spectrometric method)
 BS EN 1191-2000  门和窗.耐再开关性.试验方法  (Windows and doors - Resistance to repeated opening and closing - Test method)

By WWT at 2008-12. [标准翻译服务]

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