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 DIN 10271-1977  动物脂肪的检验.波美值的测定  (Analysis of animal fats; determination of B攎er value)
 DIN 10280-1973  乳品检验器械.测定含脂量的Mojonnier型提取管  (Apparatus for dairy analysis; Mojonnier type extraction flask for the determination of fat content)
 DIN 10284-1964  可校准的赖德尔奶油含脂测定计  (Cream butyrometer, Roeder type, calibrated)
 DIN 10285-1962  可校准的舒尔茨奶油含脂测定计  (Cream butyrometer, Schulz type, calibrated)
 DIN 10286-1976  封.古利克(VanGulik)式奶酪乳脂计.测量范围0-40%  (Van Gulik cheese butyrometer; 0 to 40%, calibrated)
 DIN 10290-1981  测量牛乳及脱脂乳密度的温差比重计  (Thermohydrometer for the density measurement of milk and skim-milk)
 DIN 10293-1962  可校准的测量脱脂乳浆密度的比重计  (Hydrometer for density measurement of buttermilk serum, calibrated)
 DIN 10294-1963  测定奶油含水量的奶油熔化烧杯  (Butter melting beaker for the determination of water content in butter)
 DIN 103-1-1977  ISO米制梯形螺纹.螺纹牙型  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Thread; Profiles)
 DIN 103-2-1977  ISO米制梯形螺纹.螺纹系列  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Thread; General Plan)
 DIN 103-3-1977  ISO米制梯形螺纹.一般用的梯形螺纹的偏差和公差  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Thread; Allowances and Tolerances for Trapezoidal Screw Threads of General Purpose)
 DIN 103-4-1977  ISO米制梯形螺纹.公称尺寸  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Thread; Nominal Dimensions)
 DIN 103-5-1972  ISO米制梯形螺纹.公称直径8--100mm螺母螺纹的极限尺寸  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Threads; Limiting Sizes for Nut Threads from 8 to 100 mm Nominal Diameter)
 DIN 103-6-1972  ISO米制梯形螺纹.公称直径105--300mm螺母螺纹的极限尺寸  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Threads; Limiting Sizes for Nut Threads from 105 to 300 mm Nominal Diameter)
 DIN 103-7-1972  ISO米制梯形螺纹.公称直径8--100mm螺栓螺纹的极限尺寸  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Threads; Limiting Sizes for Bolt Threads from 8 to 100 mm Nominal Diameter)
 DIN 103-8-1972  ISO米制梯形螺纹.公称直径105--300mm螺栓螺纹的极限尺寸  (ISO Metric Trapezoidal Screw Threads; Limiting Sizes for Bolt Threads from 105 to 300 mm Nominal Diameter)
 DIN 103-9-1985  ISO米制梯形螺纹.外螺纹与内螺纹用量规.量规尺寸和结构特征  (ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads; gauging of external and internal threads; gauge dimensions and design features)
 DIN 10304-2-1969  葡萄糖浆的水分含量和干物质的测定.真空干燥法  (Determination of moisture content and dry substance of glucose syrup; vacuum oven method)
 DIN 10304-3-1971  葡萄糖浆的水分含量和干物质的测定.折射计法  (Determination of moisture content and dry matter content of glucose syrup; refractive index method)
 DIN 10306-1974  淀粉与淀粉制品.取样  (Starch and starch products; sampling)
 DIN 10311-1985  黄油中水分分布量的测定.指示纸法  (Determination of the water dispersion in butter; indicator paper method)
 DIN 10313-1986  用施密德-邦德因斯基-拉岑劳夫Schmid-Bondzgnski-Ratzlaff)法测定奶酪和精制奶酪中的含脂量.参考法  (Determination of fat content of cheese and processed cheese according to Schmid-Bondzynski-Ratzlaff; reference method)
 DIN 10314-1988  乳酪和精制乳酪的干物质含量的测定.参考法  (Determination of dry matter content of cheese and processed cheese; reference method)
 DIN 10316-2000  按索格利特-亨克尔法测定牛奶和液态乳制品酸度的试验  (Acidity test of milk and liquid milk products according to Soxhlet-Henkel)
 DIN 10317-1991  黄油含水量的测定  (Determination of the water content of butter)
 DIN 10318-1995  脱脂乳的热乳清液密度的测定  (Determination of the density of buttermilk serum)
 DIN 10320-1970  牛奶中氯化物含量的测定  (Determination of chloride content of milk)
 DIN 10321-1980  奶粉含水量的测定  (Determination of the water content of dried milk)
 DIN 10323-1971  黄油中含食盐量的测定  (Determination of the salt content of butter)
 DIN 10324-1990  奶酪和精制奶酪中磷含量的测定  (Determination of the total phosphorus content of cheese and processed cheese; spectrometric method)
 DIN 10325-1986  用酶催化法测定精制乳酪的柠檬酸含量  (Determination of the citric acid content of processed cheese; enzymic method)
 DIN 10328-1986  用电势分析法测定乳酪和精制乳酪的氯化物含量  (Determination of chloride content of cheese and processed cheese; potentiometric method)
 DIN 10329-1976  用Roeder称量法测定乳脂含脂量  (Determination of fat content of cream; weighing method according to Roeder)
 DIN 10331-1996  黄油硬度的测定  (Determination of the hardness of butter)
 DIN 10332-1977  用Suhulz和Kley法测定乳脂含脂量  (Determination of fat content of cream; method according to Schulz and Kley)
 DIN 10335-1987  用酶催化法测定牛奶和乳制品中L和D乳酸含量(L-和D-乳酸脂)  (Determination of L- and D-lactic acid (L- and D-lactat) content of milk and milk products; enzymatic method)
 DIN 10336-1994  用气体色谱仪作甘油三酸脂分析测定和验证乳脂中的异物脂  (Detection and determination of foreign fats in milk fat by gaschromatographic analysis of triglycerides)
 DIN 10337-1993  牛奶中磷酸钙活度的测定.酶活化法  (Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity in milk; enzymatic method)
 DIN 10341-1980  牛奶和乳制品中铜含量的测定  (Determination of copper content of milk and milk products)
 DIN 10342-1992  按Weibull-Berntop比重测定法测定牛奶和奶制品中的含脂量  (Determination of fat content of milk and milk products by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method)
 DIN 10344-1982  用酶催化法测定牛奶和乳制品的乳糖和半乳糖的含量  (Determination of lactose and galactose content of milk products; enzymic method)
 DIN 10348-1988  牛奶和奶油(乳脂)干燥成份的测定.参考法  (Determination of the total solids content of milk and cream; reference method)
 DIN 10349-1985  奶油乳清中pH值的测定  (Determination of pH of butter serum)
 DIN 10349-2004  奶油乳清中pH值的测定  
 DIN 10349-2004  奶油乳清中pH值的测定  
 DIN 10350-1967  粮食和粮食制品水分含量的测定  (Determination of moisture in cereals and cereal products)
 DIN 10351-1-1967  用切片法测定粮食和菜类植物受虫害侵袭的状况  (Determination of infestation of cereals and pulses)
 DIN 10351-2-1967  用X射线法测定粮食和菜类植物受虫害侵袭的状况  (Determination of infestation of cereals and pulses)
 DIN 10352-1967  面粉灰的测定  (Determination of ash of flour)
 DIN 10355-1991  粉状粮食制品.要求.类型.检验  (Milled cereal products; requirements, types and testing)
 DIN 10360-1972  水果和蔬菜.经过低温冷冻或高温杀菌可以持久存放的菠菜的干物质分量的测定  (Fruit and vegetables; determination of dry matter content of deep-frozen or heat-preserved spinach)
 DIN 10362-1975  水果和蔬菜制品.矿物质污染的测定  (Fruit and vegetable products; determination of mineral impurities)
 DIN 10370-1998  香烟过滤嘴,香烟和其它烟草制品生产和卷包用材料.醋酸盐含量的测定  (Material used for producing wrappings for cigarette filters, cigarettes and other tobacco products - Determination of acetate content)
 DIN 10371-2001  烟草和烟草制品的分析.葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖含量的测定.高效液相色谱法  (Analysis of tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of glucose, fructose and sucrose contents - Method using high performance liquid chromatography)
 DIN 10372-2001  烟草和烟草制品的分析.甘油、丙二醇和山梨醇含量的测定.高效液相色谱法  (Analysis of tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of glycerol, propylene glycol and sorbitol contents - Method using high performance liquid chromatography)
 DIN 10373 Berichtigung 1-2005  烟草和烟草产品分析.尼古丁含量测定.气相色谱层析法.对DIN 10373-2003的勘误  
 DIN 10373-2003  烟草和烟草制品的分析.尼古丁含量的测定.气相色谱法  (Analysis of tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of nicotine content - Gaschromatographic method)
 DIN 10375-2003  烟草和烟草制品分析.细切烟和烟斗烟限定切割宽度的测定  (Analysis of tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of cut width for the delimitation of fine-cut tobacco and pipe tobacco)
 DIN 10377-2003  烟草和烟草制品.高效液相色谱法测定防腐剂  (Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of preserving agents by high performance liquid chromatography)
 DIN 10380-1977  淀粉和淀粉制品的检验.粗脂含量的测定  (Analysis of starch and starch products; determination of crude fat content)
 DIN 10381-1979  淀粉和淀粉制品的检验.用酶催法测定同一检验试样里的D-葡萄糖和D-果糖  (Analysis of starch and starch products; determination of D-glucose and D-fructose on the same test portion, enzymic method)
 DIN 10389-1985  淀粉和淀粉制品的检验.pH值和酸度的测定  (Determination of pH value and acidity of starch and starch products)
 DIN 1041-2001  钳工用锤  (Machinists` hammers)
 DIN 1042-2000  直头锤和横击锤  (Straight pein hammers, cross pein hammers)
 DIN 1045-1 Berichtigung 1-2002  对DIN1045-1:2001-07的勘误  (Corrigenda to DIN 1045-1:2001-07)
 DIN 1045-1 Berichtigung 2-2005  混凝土、加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第1部分:设计和施工.DIN 1045-1-2001的勘误  
 DIN 1045-1-2001  加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第1部分:设计  (Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures - Part 1: Design)
 DIN 1045-100-2005  加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第100部分:砖地  
 DIN 1045-2 Berichtigung 1-2002  DIN1045-2:2001-07的勘误  (Corrigenda to DIN 1045-2:2001-07)
 DIN 1045-2-2001  加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第2部分:混凝土规范、特性、生产和一致性.DINEN206-1的应用规则  (Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures - Part 2: Concrete; Specification, properties, production and conformity; Application rules for DIN EN 206-1)
 DIN 1045-2/A1-2005  加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第2部分:混凝土规范、特性、生产和一致性.DIN EN 206-1的应用规则.修改件A1  
 DIN 1045-3 Berichtigung 1-2002  DIN1045-3:2001-07的勘误  (Corrigenda to DIN 1045-3:2001-07)
 DIN 1045-3-2001  加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第3部分:结构的完成  (Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures - Part 3: Execution of structures)
 DIN 1045-3/A1-2005  加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第3部分:结构物的施工.修改件A1  
 DIN 1045-4-2001  加筋和预应力混凝土结构.第4部分:预制混凝土部件生产和一致性控制的附加规则  (Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures - Part 4: Additional rules for the production and conformity control of prefabricated elements)
 DIN 10450-1983  测定酪蛋白游离酸性.参照法  (Determination of free acidity of caseins; reference method)
 DIN 10451-1983  酪朊的化合灰分测定.参考法  (Determination of “fixed ash“ of caseins; reference method)
 DIN 10452-1983  凝酪朊酪朊酸盐灰分测定.参考法  (Determination of ash of rennet caseins and caseinates; reference method)
 DIN 10453-1983  酪朊及酪朊酸盐灰分测定.参考法  (Determination of water content of caseins and caseinates; reference method)
 DIN 10454-1983  酪朊及酪朊酸盐蛋白质含量的测定.参考法  (Determination of protein content of caseins and caseinates; reference method)
 DIN 10455-1989  黄油的感官检验  (Sensory analysis of butter)
 DIN 10456-1989  酷朊及酷朊酸盐pH值的测定参比法  (Determination of pH of caseins and caseinates; reference method)
 DIN 10457-1988  牛奶检验设备.牛奶用塑料制取样瓶  (Apparatus for dairy analysis; sample bottles of plastic for milk)
 DIN 10459-1988  牛奶比重的测定  (Hydrometric determination of density of milk)
 DIN 10461-1990  牛奶中乳果糖含量的测定  (Determination of lactulose content of milk)
 DIN 10462-1988  食用牛奶的评定和感官的检验  (Sensory analysis and evaluation of milk for consumption)
 DIN 10463-1990  黄油脱脂干量的测定.例行法  (Determination of non-fat solids content of butter; routine method)
 DIN 10464-1994  测定牛奶和牛奶制品的总蛋白南中酪蛋白含量以及酪蛋白成份和乳清蛋白成份  (Determination of casein content, casein and whey protein contents in total protein of milk and milk products - Casein-phosphorus method)
 DIN 10466-2001  牛奶和牛奶制品的全部蛋白中乳清蛋白含量的测定.极谱分析法  (Determination of whey protein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Polarographic method)
 DIN 10468-1995  牛奶和牛奶制品中磷酸盐数值测量  (Determination of the phosphatide value of milk and milk products)
 DIN 10470-1999  牛奶和牛奶制品的全部蛋白质中乳蛋白份额和酪蛋白份额的测定.衍生光谱法  (Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Derivative spectroscopic method)
 DIN 10471-1997  牛奶和乳制品中D-葡糖酸(D-葡糖酸盐脂)的测定.酶催化法  (Determination of d-gluconic acid (d-gluconate) content of milk and milk products - Enzymatic method)
 DIN 10472-1996  牛奶和乳制品中总蛋白量中乳蛋白和酪蛋白成分量的测定.电泳法  (Determination of casein and whey protein contents of milk and milk products - Electrophoretic method)
 DIN 10473-1997  加热处理奶时酸溶-乳球蛋白含量的测定.翻折状态.高性能液相色谱分析法  (Determination of acid soluble -lactoglobulin content of heat-treated milk - Reversed phase, high performance liquid chromatographic method)
 DIN 10474-2003  根据组分参数的神经网络分析测定黄油类型.化学测定法  (Determination of the butter type with neural network analysis of compositional parameters - Chemometric method)
 DIN 10476-2001  奶制品中硝酸盐含量和亚硝酸盐含量的测定.酶催化法(颜色试验)  (Determination of nitrite and nitrate content of milk products - Enzymatic method (color test))
 DIN 10477-2000  牛奶和乳制品的总灰分的测定  (Determination of total ash of milk and milk products)
 DIN 10478-2003  用红外光谱法测定未加工牛奶的营养成分.仪器功能试验  (Determination of ingredients of raw milk using infra-red spectrophotometry - Function test of the instruments)
 DIN 10479-1-2000  牛奶和奶制品的脂肪含量的测脂仪测定.第1部分:用测脂仪方法和戊醇技术规范的一般指南  (Butyrometric determinations of the fat content of milk and milk products - Part 1: General guidance on the use of butyrometric methods and technical specification for amyalalcohol)
 DIN 10479-2-2001  牛奶和奶制品的脂肪含量的测脂仪测定.第2部分:对产品的特殊要求  (Butyrometric determination of fat content of milk and milk products - Part 2: Requirements specific to products)
 DIN 1048-2-1991  混凝土检验法.建筑结构及部件中的硬化混凝土  (Testing concrete; testing of hardened concrete (specimens taken in situ))
 DIN 1048-4-1991  混凝土检验法.建筑结构及部件中的硬化混凝土抗压强度的测定.基准直线的应用和特殊计算方法  (Test methods for concrete; determination of the compressive strength in hardened concrete in structures and components; application of reference lines and evaluation with special methods)
 DIN 10480-2002  黄油和其他油脂涂抹食品中脂肪总含量的测定.用超临界二氧化碳的萃取法  (Determination of the total fat content in butter and other fat spreads - Extraction method using supercritical carbon dioxide)
 DIN 10481-2004  乳品实验室的快速方法.使用的一般基本条件和要求  
 DIN 10482-1 Berichtigung 1-2005  乳酪中胭脂树橙含量的测定.第1部分:光度测量法.DIN 10482-1-2005的勘误  
 DIN 10483-1-2002  牛奶中乳过氧化物酶活性的测定.第1部分:光度测量法(基准方法)  (Determination of lactoperoxidase activity in milk - Part 1: Photometric method (Reference method))
 DIN 10483-2-2002  牛奶中乳过氧化物酶活性的测定.第2部分:反射计法  (Determination of lactoperoxidase activity in milk - Part 2: Reflectometric method)
 DIN 105-3-1984  砌墙砖.高强度砖和高强度工程用砖  (Clay bricks; high strength bricks and high strength engineering bricks)
 DIN 105-5-1984  砌墙砖.轻型水平多孔砖及砖板  (Clay bricks; lightweight horizontally perforated bricks and lightweight horizontally perforated brick panels)
 DIN 10500-2001  食品卫生.易变质食品用销售车辆和可移动销售台.卫生要求、检验  (Food hygiene - Sales vehicles and mobile sales stands for perishable foodstuffs - Hygiene requirements, testing)
 DIN 10501-1-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第1部分:冷冻和速冻食品(如冰淇淋)用冷藏陈列货柜.卫生要求和检验  (Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 1: Refrigerated display cabinets for frozen and quick frozen foodstuffs as well as icecream - Hygiene requirements, testing)
 DIN 10501-1-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第1部分:冷冻和速冻食品(如冰淇淋)用冷藏陈列货柜.卫生要求和检验  
 DIN 10501-2-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第2部分:冷藏食品用冷藏陈列货柜.卫生要求和检验  (Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 2: Refrigerated display cabinets for refrigerated foodstuffs - Hygiene requirements, testing)
 DIN 10501-2-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第2部分:冷藏食品用冷藏陈列货柜.卫生要求和检验  
 DIN 10501-3 Bb.1-1992  食品卫生.销售柜.销售容器实例  (Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Examples for display containers)
 DIN 10501-3-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第3部分:常温销售食品用陈列柜.卫生要求和检验  (Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 3: Display containers for foodstuffs, offered for sale at ambient temperature - Hygiene requirements, testing)
 DIN 10501-3-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第3部分:常温销售食品用陈列柜.卫生要求和检验  
 DIN 10501-4-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第4部分:热食品用保温陈列柜.卫生要求和检验  (Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 4: Thermal display cabinets for hot foodstuffs; Hygiene requirements, testing)
 DIN 10501-4-2004  食品卫生.陈列柜.第4部分:热食品用保温陈列柜.卫生要求和检验  
 DIN 10501-5-1998  食品卫生.销售柜.第5部分:自助式摆放沙拉和沙拉调料的销售冷藏柜.卫生要求,检验  (Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 5: Refrigerated display cabinets offering for sale salads and salad dressings in self service, hygiene requirements, testing)

By WWT at 2008-12. [标准翻译服务]

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