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 BS 123800-003-2001  质量评估体系.性能的详细规范.贯穿连接的挠性多层印制板  (System of quality assessment - Capability detail specification - Flexible multilayer printed boards with through-connections)
 BS 123800-2001  质量评估体系.分规范.贯穿连接的挠性多层印制板  (System of quality assessment - Sectional specification - Flexible multilayer printed boards with through-connections)
 BS 1243-1978  空心墙结构用金属拉杆规范  (Specification for metal ties for cavity wall construction)
 BS 1244-1-1956  家用金属洗涤盆规范.第1部分:与米制等效的英制件  (Metal sinks for domestic purposes. Imperial units with metric equivalents)
 BS 1245-1975  金属(钢)门框规范  (Specification for metal door frames (steel))
 BS 1247-1-1990  人孔梯.第1部分:镀锌铁或不锈钢人孔梯规范  (Manhole steps - Specification for galvanized ferrous or stainless steel manhole steps)
 BS 1247-2-1990  人孔梯.第2部分:塑料灌封式人孔梯规范  (Manhole steps - Specification for plastics encapsulated manhole steps)
 BS 1247-3-1991  人孔梯级.第3部分:铝制人孔梯级规范  (Manhole steps - Specification for aluminium manhole steps)
 BS 1251-1987  明壁炉部件规范  (Specification for open-fireplace components)
 BS 1252-1992  备有或没有蒸煮器的独立式烧固体矿物燃料的家用炉规范  (Specification for domestic solid mineral fuel-fired, free-standing cookers with or without boilers)
 BS 1254-1981  塑料马桶座规格  (Specification for WC seats (plastics))
 BS 1259-1958  爆炸性环境用本征安全型电气设备和电路  (Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and circuits for use in explosive atmospheres)
 BS 1262-2002  金属包装.装涂料用带抠手盖的金属容器规范  (Metal packaging - Round lever-lid metal containers for surface coatings - Specification)
 BS 1263-1-1990  可重复使用的医用皮下注射器.第1部分:全玻璃和金属--玻璃注射器尺寸规范  (Reusable hypodermic syringes for medical use - Specification for dimensions of all-glass and metal-and-glass syringes)
 BS 1282-1999  木材防腐剂的选择、采用和使用指南  (Wood preservatives - Guidance on choice, use and application)
 BS 1289-1-1986  燃气装置用烟道座和砖砌终端.第1部分:预制混凝土烟道座和终端规范  (Flue blocks and masonry terminals for gas appliances - Specification for precast concrete flue blocks and terminals)
 BS 1296-1-1970  单刃刀具规范.第1部分:刀具柄断面  (Specification for single point cutting tools - Shank sections)
 BS 1296-2-1972  单刃刀具规范.第2部分:命名  (Specification for single point cutting tools - Nomenclature)
 BS 1296-3-1977  单刃刀具规范.第3部分:对焊刀具与坯件  (Specification for single point cutting tools - Butt-welded cutting tools and blanks)
 BS 1296-4-1978  单刃刀具规范.第4部分:细磨高速钢刀具  (Specification for single point cutting tools - Ground high speed steel tool bits)
 BS 1297-1987  企口合榫的软木地板规范  (Specification for tongued and grooved softwood flooring)
 BS 1305-1974  分批式混凝土搅拌机  (Specification for batch type concrete mixers)
 BS 1306-1975  铜与铜合金承压管道系统规范  (Specification for copper and copper alloy pressure piping systems)
 BS 131-1-1961  缺口棒试验方法.第1部分:金属的艾氏冲击试验  (Notched bar tests - The Izod impact test of metals)
 BS 131-5-1965  缺口棒试验方法.第5部分:结晶度的测定  (Notched bar tests - Determination of crystallinity)
 BS 131-6-1998  划痕棒材试验.金属摆式V划痕冲击能量精密测定方法  (Notched bar tests - Method for precision determination of Charpy V-notch impact energies for metals)
 BS 131-7-1998  划痕棒材试验.金属摆式V划痕冲击能量精密测定试验机多样性规范  (Notched bar tests - Specification for verification of the test machine used for precision determination of Charpy V-notch impact energies for metals)
 BS 1322-1992  氨基塑料模塑材料规范  (Specification for aminoplastic moulding materials)
 BS 1336-1971  木节涂料规范  (Specification for knotting)
 BS 1339-1-2002  湿度.术语、定义和公式  (Humidity - Terms, definitions and formulae)
 BS 1339-3-2004  湿度.湿度测量指南  
 BS 1344-1-1994  搪瓷层的试验方法.第1部分:除厨房器具和加工薄钢板组件外的制品覆层耐热冲击性的测定  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of resistance to thermal shock of coatings on articles other than cooking utensils and fabricated sheet steel components)
 BS 1344-10-1987  搪瓷层的试验方法.第10部分:耐冷凝盐酸蒸汽性的测定  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of resistance to condensing hydrochloric acid vapour)
 BS 1344-11-1998  釉层精整试验方法.高腐蚀条件下设备用搪瓷物质的高压试验  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - High voltage test for enamelled articles for service under highly corrosive conditions)
 BS 1344-12-1996  搪瓷层的试验方法.第12部分:钢板覆层试样的制备  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Production of specimens for testing coatings on sheet steel)
 BS 1344-13-1976  搪瓷层的试验方法.第13部分:铸铁覆层试样的制备  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Production of specimens for testing coatings on cast iron)
 BS 1344-14-1984  搪瓷层的试验方法.第14部分:用酸性和中性液体及其蒸汽进行试验的装置  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Apparatus for testing with acid and neutral liquids and their vapours)
 BS 1344-15-1997  搪瓷层的试验方法.第15部分:用碱性液体进行试验的装置  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Apparatus for testing with alkaline liquids)
 BS 1344-16-1998  釉层精整试验方法.烹饪器具涂层耐热冲击性  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Resistance to thermal shock of coatings on cooking utensils)
 BS 1344-17-1998  釉层精整试验方法.对热氢氧化钠的抗性  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Resistance to hot sodium hydroxide solution)
 BS 1344-18-1981  搪瓷层的试验方法.第18部分:流动特性的测定:熔化流动试验  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of fluidity behaviour: fusion flow test)
 BS 1344-1984  搪瓷层的试验方法.第19部分:洗涤纺织品用耐热洗涤剂溶解的测定装置  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes. Apparatus for determination of resistance to hot detergent solutions used for washing textiles)
 BS 1344-2-1976  搪瓷层的试验方法.第2部分:室温下的耐柠檬酸性  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Resistance to citric acid at room temperature)
 BS 1344-21-1993  搪瓷涂层试验方法.搪瓷物品耐冲击性测定:喷枪试验  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of the resistance of vitreous enamelled articles to impact: pistol test)
 BS 1344-22-1994  搪瓷涂层试验方法.第22部分:炊用炉用燃烧器具和灶盘支架用的加工薄钢板组件涂层的耐温度冲击性测定  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of resistance to thermal shock of coatings for fabricated sheet steel components such as burners and pan supports for cookers)
 BS 1344-4-1968  搪瓷层的试验方法.第4部分:耐磨性  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Resistance to abrasion)
 BS 1344-5-1984  搪瓷层的试验方法.第5部分:耐洗涤纺织品用热洗涤剂溶液性的测定  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of resistance to hot detergent solutions used for washing textiles)
 BS 1344-6-1971  搪瓷层的试验方法.第6部分:耐碱性  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Resistance to alkali)
 BS 1344-7-1984  搪瓷层的试验方法.耐热性的测定  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of resistance to heat)
 BS 1344-8-1984  搪瓷层的试验方法.第8部分:耐沸腾柠檬酸性的测定  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of resistance to boiling citric acid)
 BS 1344-9-1998  釉层精整试验方法.耐沸水和水蒸气的测定  (Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes - Determination of resistance to boiling water and water vapour)
 BS 1347-1986  建筑师、工程师、测量员用米制尺规范  (Specification for architects’, engineers’ and surveyors’ metric scale rules)
 BS 1361-1971  住宅和类似建筑物中交流电路用管状熔断器规范  (Specification for cartridge fuses for a.c. circuits in domestic and similar premises)
 BS 1362-1973  家用及类似用途的一般熔断体(主要用于插头)规范  (Specification for general purpose fuse links for domestic and similar purposes (primarily for use in plugs))
 BS 1363-1-1995  13 A 插头、插座和适配器.可重接和不可重接保险丝灯头规范  (13 A plugs, socket-outlets and adaptors - Specification for rewirable and non-rewirable 13 A fused plugs)
 BS 1363-2-1995  13 A 插头、插座和适配器.13 A 有开关和没有开关插座规范  (13 A plugs, socket-outlets and adaptors - Specification for 13 A switched and unswitched socket-outlets)
 BS 1363-3-1995  13 A 插头、插座和适配器.适配器规范  (13 A plugs, socket-outlets and adaptors - Specification for adaptors)
 BS 1363-4-1995  13A 插头、插座和适配器.第4部分:13A 熔融连接组合开关设备和非开关设备规范  (13 A plugs, socket-outlets and adaptors - Specification for 13A fused connection units switched and unswitched)
 BS 1365-1990  小量程短杆温度计规范  (Specification for short-range short-stem thermometers)
 BS 1369-1-1987  内部粉刷用和外部抹灰用钢板条.第1部分:网眼钢板和肋形板条规范  (Steel lathing for internal plastering and external rendering - Specification for expanded metal and ribbed lathing)
 BS 1370-1979  低热硅酸盐水泥规范  (Specification for low heat Portland cement)
 BS 1376-1974  灯光信号的颜色规范  (Specification for colours of light signals)
 BS 1377-1-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第1部分:一般要求和样品制备  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - General requirements and sample preparation)
 BS 1377-2-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第2部分:分类试验  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Classification tests)
 BS 1377-3-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第3部分:化学和电化学试验  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Chemical and electro-chemical tests)
 BS 1377-4-1990  土木工程用土壤的试验方法.压实试验  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Compaction-related tests)
 BS 1377-5-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第5部分:可压缩性、渗透性和耐用性试验  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Compressibility, permeability and durability tests)
 BS 1377-6-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第6部分:带测量孔隙压力的液压压力盒内的固结和渗透率试验  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Consolidation and permeability tests in hydraulic cells and with pore pressure measurement)
 BS 1377-7-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第7部分:剪切强度试验(总应力)  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Shear strength tests (total stress))
 BS 1377-8-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第8部分:剪切强度试验(有效应力)  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - Shear strength tests (effective stress))
 BS 1377-9-1990  土木工程用土壤试验方法.第9部分:现场试验  (Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes - In-situ tests)
 BS 1384-1-1985  摄影密度测量.第1部分:术语、符号与标记指南  (Photographic density measurements - Guide for terms, symbols and notations)
 BS 1384-2-2001  摄影密度测量.传输密度的几何条件  (Photographic density measurements - Geometric conditions for transmission density)
 BS 1387-1985  与BS 21管螺纹相符的焊接或旋紧的螺纹钢管和管形件、套节钢管和管形件、平头钢管规范  (Specification for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tubes suitable for welding or for screwing to BS 21 pipe threads)
 BS 1407-1970  高碳光亮钢(银亮钢)规范  (Specification for high carbon bright steel (silver steel))
 BS 1411-1972  印刷卡片和格式纸(术语与尺寸)规范  (Specification for printers’ cards and blanks (terms and sizes))
 BS 1413-1989  书籍的版面尺寸规范  (Specification for page size for books)
 BS 1414-1975  石油、石化和类似工业用钢楔式闸阀(带法兰和对焊端)规范  (Specification for steel wedge gate valves (flanged and butt-welding ends) for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries)
 BS 1421-1995  镐、捣击镐与鹤嘴锄规范  (Specification for picks, beater picks and mattocks)
 BS 1425-1-1991  床上用品、室内装饰品和其他家庭用品的填充料净度.羽绒和羽毛除外的填充料规范  (Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings for bedding, upholstery and other domestic articles - Specification for fillings and stuffings other than feather and/or down)
 BS 1427-1993  野外和现场水分析试验方法导则  (Guide to field and on-site test methods for the analysis of waters)
 BS 1428-B2-1960  微量化学仪器.第B集:除燃烧法外的素测定仪器.第2部分:氨蒸馏装置(Markham)规范  (Microchemical analysis - Apparatus for the determination of elements by other than combustion methods - Specification for ammonia distillation apparatus (Markham))
 BS 1428-D1-1965  微量化学仪器.第D 集:容量分析仪器.第1部分:带压力加注装置和自动零位的滴定管规范  (Microchemical apparatus - Volumetric analysis - Specification for burettes with pressure-filling device and automatic zero)
 BS 1428-D4-1963  微量化学仪器.容量分析.毛细移液管规范  (Microchemical apparatus - Volumetric analysis - Specification for capillary pipettes)
 BS 1428-D5-1955  微量化学仪器.第D 集:容量分析仪器.第5部分:注射器式微量移液管规范  (Microchemical apparatus - Volumetric analysis - Specification for syringe pattern micro-pipette)
 BS 1429-1980  一般工程弹簧用的退火圆钢丝规范  (Specification for annealed round steel wire for general engineering springs)
 BS 143 and 1256-2000  可锻铸铁和铸铜合金的螺纹管配件  (Threaded pipe fittings in malleable cast iron and cast copper alloy)
 BS 1434-1985  电工用铜规范.换向器用铜的棒材、坯件和片材  (Specification for copper for electrical purposes: copper sections in bars, blanks and segments for commutators)
 BS 1435-2-1990  抽油和排油用橡胶软管组件.第2部分:贮存、试验和使用推荐标准  (Rubber hose assemblies for oil suction and discharge services - Recommendations for storage, testing and use)
 BS 1438-1971  生物渗滤器用介质规范  (Specification for media for biological percolating filters)
 BS 1438-2004  集料.生物渗透滤器介质用单一粒度集料  
 BS 1438-2004  集料.生物渗透滤器介质用单一粒度集料  
 BS 1439-1992  单层湿绉纸巾规范  (Specification for single-ply wet-creped paper towelling)
 BS 144-1997  木材防腐用煤焦杂酚油规范  (Specification for coal tar creosote for wood preservation)
 BS 1446-1973  道路与人行道用地沥青砂胶(天然岩石地沥青细集料)规范  (Specification for mastic asphalt (natural rock asphalt fine aggregate) for roads and footways)
 BS 1447-1988  道路、人行道和建筑物铺面用地沥青砂胶(石灰石集料)规范  (Specification for mastic asphalt (limestone fine aggregate) for roads, footways and pavings in building)
 BS 1449-1.1-1991  钢板、薄板和带材.第1部分:碳和锰钢板、薄板和带材.第1节:总规范  (Steel plate, sheet and strip - Carbon and carbon-manganese plate, sheet and strip - General specification)
 BS 1449-1.14-1991  钢板、钢薄板和带材.第1部分:碳和锰钢板、钢薄板和带材.第14节:热处理和通用工程用具有一定应用条件范围的  (Steel plate, sheet and strip - Carbon and carbon-manganese plate, sheet and strip - Specification for hot rolled narrow strip supplied in a range of conditions for heat treatment and general engineeri)
 BS 1449-1.8-1991  钢板、钢薄板和带材.第1部分:碳和锰钢板、钢薄板和带材.第8节:具有可塑性热轧窄带材规范  (Steel plate, sheet and strip - Carbon and carbon-manganese plate, sheet and strip - Specification for hot rolled narrow strip based on formability)
 BS 146-2002  强度特性不在BS EN 197-1规定范围内的高炉水泥规范  (Specification for blastfurnace cements with strength properties outside the scope of BS EN 197-1)
 BS 1460-1967  沉淀碳酸钙压实后的表观密度测定方法  (Method for determination of apparent density after compaction of precipitated calcium carbonate)
 BS 1467-1972  文件夹与文档规范  (Specification for folders and files)
 BS 1468-1967  电镀用锡阳极和锡盐规范  (Specification for tin anodes and tin salts for electroplating)
 BS 1473-1972  一般工程用可锻铝和铝合金铆钉螺栓和螺钉坯料规范  (Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes - rivet, bolt and screw stock)
 BS 148-1998  变压器和开关设备用未用过的和回收的矿物绝缘油规范  (Specification for unused and reclaimed mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear)
 BS 1486-1-1959  润滑脂排出管嘴规范.第1部分:机械与车辆用润滑脂排出管嘴和适配器  (Lubricating nipples - Lubricating nipples and adaptors for use on machinery and vehicles)
 BS 1486-2-1961  润滑脂排出管嘴.重型润滑脂排出管嘴  (Lubricating nipples - Heavy duty lubricating nipples)
 BS 1486-4-1981  润滑脂排出管嘴规范.第4部分:液压润滑脂排出管嘴  (Lubricating nipples - Specification for hydraulic grease nipples)
 BS 1489-1972  电工用被覆绕组线的包装规范  (Specification for the packaging of covered winding wires for electrical purposes)
 BS 1494-1-1964  建筑用固定件规范.第1部分:板材、屋面与墙壁覆盖层用固定件  (Specification for fixing accessories for building purposes - Fixings for sheet, roof and wall coverings)
 BS 15000-1-2002  IT业管理.IT业管理规范  (IT service management - Specification for service management)
 BS 15000-2-2003  IT服务管理.服务管理实施规程  (IT service management - Code of practice for service management)
 BS 1521-1972  建筑用防水纸规范  (Specification for waterproof building papers)
 BS 1523-1-1967  自动控制与调节系统用术语词汇.第1部分:过程和动态控制  (Glossary of terms used in automatic controlling and regulating systems - Process and kinetic control)
 BS 1524-1993  乙酸纤维素模塑料材料规范  (Specification for cellulose acetate moulding materials)
 BS 1545-1990  液体香皂规范  (Specification for liquid toilet soap)
 BS 1552-1995  一类、二类和三类燃气用手动截止阀规范  (Specification for open bottomed taper plug valves for 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases up to 200 mbar)
 BS 1553-1-1977  一般工程用图形符号规范.第1部分:管道系统与装置  (Specification for graphical symbols for general engineering - Piping systems and plant)
 BS 1553-2-1950  一般工程用图形符号规范.第2部分:发电设备用图形符号  (Specification for graphical symbols for general engineering - Graphical symbols for power generating plant)
 BS 1553-3-1950  一般工程用图形符号规范.第3部分:压缩设备用图形符号  (Graphical symbols for general engineering - Graphical symbols for compressing plant)

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