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日本集装箱标准(JIS container standards)翻译目录查询

ANSI |  BS |  DIN |  EN |  GB |  ISO |  JIS |  NF | 
JIS F8837-2006 冷冻集装箱用防水插座接线盒 Watertight socket-outlet boxes for refrigerated containers
JIS K4830 AMD 1-2007 硝酸铵燃料油炸药的柔性中间散装集装箱性能的测试方法(修改件1) Performance testing methods for flexible intermediate bulk containers of ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosives(Amendment 1)
JIS K4830-1999 硝酸铵燃料油炸药的柔性中间散装集装箱性能的试验方法 Performance testing methods for flexible intermediate bulk containers of ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosives
JIS S1037-2006 耐火集装箱 Fire-resistive containers
JIS Z0201-1989 集装箱各测试点和零件试验时的标识方法 Methods of designating on component parts and points of containers when testing
JIS Z0212-1998 包装货物和集装箱.压缩试验方法 Packaged freights and containers -- Method of compression test
JIS Z1506-2003 瓦楞纸航运集装箱 Corrugated shipping containers
JIS Z1516-2003 航运集装箱用瓦楞纤维板 Corrugated fiberboards for shipping containers
JIS Z1610-1997 国内贸易用货运集装箱.外部尺寸和通用规范 Freight containers for domestic trade -- External dimensions and common specifications
JIS Z1611-1995 国内贸易用隔热集装箱 Insulated container for domestic trade
JIS Z1612-1995 国内贸易用隔热集装箱的测试规范 Test code of insulated container for domestic trade
JIS Z1613-1994 国际贸易用货运集装箱.术语 Freight containers for international trade -- Terminology
JIS Z1614-1994 国际贸易用货运集装箱.外部尺寸及额定值 Freight containers for international trade -- External dimensions and ratings
JIS Z1615-1987 国际贸易用货运集装箱的代码识别和标志 Coding identification and marking of freight containers for international trade
JIS Z1616-1995 国际贸易用货运集装箱.角部连接件 Freight containers for international trade -- Corner fittings
JIS Z1618-1994 国际贸易用普通货物集装箱 General cargo containers for international trade
JIS Z1619-1994 国际贸易用冷冻集装箱 Refrigerated containers for international trade
JIS Z1621-1973 国际贸易用敞口式集装箱 Open top containers for international trade
JIS Z1622-1974 带有一定限制的国际贸易平柜架式集装箱 Flat rack containers for international trade with certain limitation
JIS Z1625-1995 国际贸易用平台式集装箱 Platform containers for international trade
JIS Z1626-1987 国际贸易用货运集装箱的搬运和加固 Handling and securing of freight containers for international trade
JIS Z1627-1998 国内贸易用通用货物集装箱 General cargo containers for domestic trade
JIS Z1628-1995 国内贸易用货运集装箱.编码和标记 Freight containers for domestic trade -- Coding and marking
JIS Z1629-1996 货运集装箱.提升和固定连接件 Freight containers -- Lifting and securing fittings
JIS Z1651-2002 柔性中间散货集装箱 Flexible intermediate bulk containers
