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日本减震器标准(JIS damper standards)翻译目录查询

ANSI |  BS |  DIN |  EN |  GB |  ISO |  JIS |  NF | 
编号 中文名称 英文名称
JIS A9402-2007 停车重复使用的塑料缓冲器 Recycled plastics buffers for parking
JIS B0152-1997 离合器和制动器.词汇 Clutches and brakes -- Vocabulary
JIS B9208 AMD 1-2007 耕耘机用拖车.带制动器的传动轮轴(修改件1) Trailer for power tiller -- Axles with brakes (Amendment 1)
JIS B9208-1994 耕耘机用挂车.制动器轮轴 Trailer for power tiller -- Axles with brakes
JIS D0210-1995 汽车和摩托车制动器试验方法的通用规则 General rules of brake test method of automobiles and motor cycles
JIS D1013-1993 汽车.制动器的试验方法 Automobiles -- Brake test method
JIS D2611-1995 汽车部件.使用非石油基液压制动油的液压盘式制动器油缸的弹性防尘罩 Automotive parts -- Elastomeric boots of hydraulic disc brakes cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid
JIS D2620-1986 汽车用空气制动器连接件的识别 Identification of connections on air brake units for automobiles
JIS D4312-1990 汽车制动器衬片和离合器衬片用铆钉 Rivets of brake linings and clutch facings for automobiles
JIS D4417-1986 汽车制动器衬片及圆盘制动器衬片的比重试验规程 Test procedure of specific gravity for brake linings and pads of automobiles
JIS D4419-1986 汽车制动器衬片及圆盘制动器衬片的接触面锈蚀试验规程 Test procedure of rusting at material interfaces for disc brake pads of automobiles
JIS D4420-1986 汽车制动器衬片及圆盘制动器衬片的耐水、盐水、油及制动液的试验方法 Test procedure of deterioration by water , salt water, oil and brake fluid for brake linings and pads of automobiles
JIS D4422-2007 汽车部件.鼓式制动器和盘式刹车蹄片.剪切强度试验程序 Automotive parts -- Drum brake shoe assemblies and disc brake pad -- Shear test procedure
JIS E4205-2001 铁路车辆用油缓冲器.性能通则 Oil damper for railway rolling stock -- General rules for performance
JIS F2031-1998 锚链制动器 Cable stoppers
JIS F3406-1990 锚链制动器 Chain stoppers
编号 中文名称 英文名称
