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欧洲柴油标准(EN diesel standards)翻译目录查询

ANSI |  BS |  DIN |  EN |  GB |  ISO |  JIS |  NF | 
CR 13837-2000 机动车用柴油燃料 滤过率的测定 SFPP法 Automotive diesel fuels - Determination of filtrability - SFPP method
CR 13838-2000 机动车用柴油燃料 滤过率的测定 AGELFI 法 Automotive diesel fuels - Determination of filtrability - AGELFI method
EN 116-1997 柴油和家用加热燃料 冷式过滤器堵塞点的测定 Diesel and domestic heating fuels - Determination of cold filter plugging point
EN 12827-1999 内河航运船舶 柴油传送用连接机构 Inland navigation vessels - Connections for the transfer of diesel oil
EN 14214-2003 车用燃料 柴油机用脂肪酸甲酯(FAME) 试验方法和要求 Automotive fuels - Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for diesel engines - Requirements and test methods
EN 14274-2003 汽车用燃料 汽油和柴油质量的评定 燃料质量监测系统 Automotive fuels - Assessment of petrol and diesel quality - Fuel quality monitoring system (FQMS)
EN 14275-2003 汽车燃料 汽油和柴油燃料质量的评定 从零售泵和商品燃料售货机取样 Automotive fuels - Assessment of petrol and diesel fuel quality - Sampling from retail site pumps and commercial site fuel dispensers
EN 590-1999 汽车燃料 柴油 要求和试验方法 Automotive fuels - Diesel - Requirements and test methods
EN ISO 12156-1-2000 柴油 使用高频往复装置(HFRR)进行润滑油评定 第1部分:试验方法(包括技术勘误) Diesel fuel - Assessment of lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR) - Part 1: Test method (ISO 12156-1:1997, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1998)
EN ISO 13759-1996 石油产品 柴油中硝酸烷基酯含量的测定 分光光度法 Petroleum products - Determination of alkyl nitrate in diesel fuels - Spectrometric method (ISO 13759:1996)
EN ISO 16147-2002 小艇 内装柴油机 装于发动机的燃料及电气元件 Small craft - Inboard diesel engines - Engine-mounted fuel and electrical components (ISO 16147:2002)
EN ISO 5165-1998 石油产品 柴油着火性能的测定 十六烷值法 Petroleum products - Determination of the ignition quality of diesel fuels - Cetane engine method (ISO 5165:1998)
EN ISO 8861-1998+AC-1998 造船 柴油机船舶机舱通风 设计要求和计算基准 Shipbuilding - Engine-room ventilation in diesel-engined ships - Design requirements and basis of calculations (ISO 8861:1998)
prEN 13341-1998 由吹模聚已烯、旋模聚已烯和聚酰胺6阴离子聚合材料制成的用于地上存贮家用取暖油和柴油的热塑性罐的要求和 Requirements and test methods for thermoplastic tanks made from blow moulded polyethylene, rotational moulded polyethylene and anionic polymerization of polyamide 6 for the above ground storage of domestic heating oils and diesel fuels
prEN ISO 20844-2002 石油及石油产品 用柴油机喷嘴测定含聚合物油类的剪切稳定性 Petroleum and related products - Determination of the shear stability of polymer-containing oils using a diesel injector nozzle (ISO/DIS 20844:2002)
