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 IEEE 300-1988  半导体带电粒子探测器试验规程  Test procedures for semiconductor charged-particle detectors
 IEEE 301-1988  电离辐射探测器用放大器和前置放大器的试验规程  Test procedures for amplifiers and preamplifiers used with detectors of ionizing radiation
 IEEE 303-1991  第1类中A、B、C、D组第2分部所列电动机辅助装置用推荐规程  Recommended practice for auxiliary devices for motors in class 1, groups A, B, C, and D, division 2 locations
 IEEE 304-1977  直流电机用绝缘系统评定及分类的试验规程  Test procedure for evaluation and classification of insulation systems for direct-current machines
 IEEE 308-1991  核电站1E级电力系统的标准  Criteria for class 1E power systems for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 309-1999  盖革-弥勒计数器试验规程和基础  Test procedures and bases for Geiger-Mueller counters
 IEEE 315-1975  电气和电子图表用图形符号  Graphic symbols for electrical and electronics diagrams
 IEEE 315A-1986  电气和电子图表的图形符号补充件  Supplement to graphic symbols for electrical and electronics diagrams
 IEEE 317-1983  核电站外壳结构的电气穿入组件  Electric penetration assemblies in containment structures for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 32-1972  中性接地装置的要求,术语和试验程序  Requirements, terminology, and test procedure for neutral grounding devices
 IEEE 323-1983  核电站1E级设备的考核  Qualifying class 1E equipment for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 325-1996  锗γ射线探测器的试验规程  Test procedures for germanium gamma-ray detectors
 IEEE 334-1994  核电站用1E级发动机连续运行的考核  Qualifying continuous duty class 1E motors for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 336-1985  核装置的电力、仪表和控制设备的安装、检验及试验要求  Installation, inspection, and testing requirements for power, instrumentation, and control equipment at nuclear facilities
 IEEE 338-1987  核电站安全系统周期试验的准则  Criteria for the periodic surveillance testing of nuclear power generating station safety systems
 IEEE 344-1987  核电站1E级设备抗地震鉴定的推荐规程  Recommended practice for seismic qualification of class 1E equipment for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 352-1987  核电站安全系统可靠度分析通用原则指南  Guide for general principles of reliability analysis of nuclear power generating station safety systems
 IEEE 356-2001  测量接地介质电磁特性的指南  Guide for measurements of electromagnetic properties of earth media
 IEEE 367-1996  测定电源故障引起的电站地面电位升高和感应电压的推荐规程  Recommended practice for determining the electric power station ground potential rise and induced voltage from a power fault
 IEEE 376-1975  脉冲强度及带宽测量  Measurement of impulse strength and impulse bandwidth
 IEEE 377-1980  陆地移动通信发射机附加发射的测量规程  Recommended practice for measurement of spurious emission from land-mobil communication transmitters
 IEEE 379-2000  核电站安全系统中单一故障标准的应用  Application of the single-failure criterion to nuclear power generating station safety systems
 IEEE 382-1996  对核电站用有安全功能的电动阀组驱动器的鉴定  Qualification of actuators for power-operated valve assemblies with safety-related functions for nuclear power plants
 IEEE 383-1974  1E级电缆型式试验;核电站的现场拼接和联接  Type test of class 1E electric cables; field splices and connections for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 384-1992  1E级设备和电路独立性的判定标准  Criteria for independence of class 1E equipment and circuits
 IEEE 386-1995  600V以上配电系统用可分绝缘连接器系统  Separable insulated connector systems for power distribution systems above 600 V
 IEEE 387-1995  用作核电站备用电源的柴油发电机组准则  Criteria for diesel-generator units applied as standby power supplies for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 388-1992  电子功率转换设备中的变压器和电感线圈  Transformers and inductors in electronic power conversion equipment
 IEEE 389-1996  测试电子变压器和电感器的推荐规程  Recommended practice for testing electronic transformers and inductors
 IEEE 390-1987  脉冲变压器  Pulse transformers
 IEEE 398-1972  闪烁计数器用光电倍增管试验程序和闪烁计数专业词汇  Test procedures for photomultipliers for scintillation counting and glossary for scintillation counting field
 IEEE 399-1997  工业及商业电力系统分析用推荐规程  Recommended practice for industrial and commercial power systems analysis
 IEEE 4-1995  高压测试技术  Techniques for high-voltage testing
 IEEE 400-2001  铠装电力电缆系统绝缘的现场试验和评定指南  Guide for field testing and evaluation of the insulation of shielded power cable systems
 IEEE 404-2000  额定电压2500V-500000V的挤压和层压介质铠装电缆接头  Extruded and laminated dielectric shielded cable joints rated 2500 V to 500000 V
 IEEE 420-2001  核电站用1E级控制板、操纵台及操纵仪表架的设计和鉴定  Design and qualification of class 1E control boards, panels, and racks used in nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 421.1-1986  同步电机励磁系统的定义  (Definitions for excitation systems for synchronous machines)
 IEEE 421.2-1990  励磁控制系统动态性能鉴别、试验和评定的指南  Guide for identification, testing, and evaluation of the dynamic performance of excitation control systems
 IEEE 421.3-1997  同步机械励磁系统击活高潜力试验要求标准  Standard for high-potential test requirements for excitation systems for synchronous machines
 IEEE 421.4-1990  励磁系统规范制订指南  Guide for the preparation of excitation system specifications
 IEEE 421.5-1992  动力系统稳定性研究用励磁系统模型推荐规程  Recommended practice for excitation system models for power system stability studies
 IEEE 429-1994  使用额定电压6900V及以下电机模绕预绝缘定子线圈的AC电机的热绝缘评定推荐规程  Recommended practice for thermal evaluation of sealed insulation systems for AC electric machinery employing form-wound preinsulated stator coils for machines rated 6900 V and below
 IEEE 43-2000  检测旋转电机绝缘电阻的推荐实施规范  Recommended practice for testing insulation resistance of rotating machinery
 IEEE 432-1992  旋转电机(5hp-10000hp)绝缘维护指南  Guide for insulation maintenance for rotating electric machinery (5 hp to less than 10000 hp)
 IEEE 433-1974  高压甚低频大型旋转电机绝缘试验的推荐规程  Recommended practice for insulation testing of large ac rotating machinery with high voltage at very low frequency
 IEEE 434-1973  大型高压电机绝缘系统功能评定指南  Guide for functional evaluation of insulation systems for large high-voltage machines
 IEEE 442-1981  土壤耐热性测量指南  Guide for soil thermal resistivity measurements
 IEEE 446-1995  工业及商业设备用应急及备用供电系统推荐规程  Recommended practice for emergency and standby power systems for industrial and commercial applications
 IEEE 449-1998  铁磁谐振调压器  Ferroresonant voltage regulators
 IEEE 45-2002  船上电气设备的推荐实施规程  Recommended practice for electric installations on shipboard
 IEEE 450-1995  发电站及变电所用大型铅蓄电池组维护、试验及更换推荐规程  Recommended practice for maintenance, testing and replacement of vented lead-acid batteries for stationary applications
 IEEE 450-2002  通气固定铅蓄电池组的维护、试验及更换  (Maintenance, testing, and replacement of vented lead-acid batteries for stationary applications)
 IEEE 473-1985  电磁现场测量(10kHz-10GHz)无线电噪声的推荐规程  Recommended practice for an electromagnetic site survey (10 kHz to 10 Ghz)
 IEEE 475-2000  300 MHz-40 GHz场干扰传感器的测量程序  Measurement procedure for field disturbance sensors 300 MHz to 40 GHz
 IEEE 48-1996  2.5KV-765KV高压交流电缆终端的试验程序和要求  Test procedures and requirements for alternating-current cable terminations 2.5 kV through 765 kV
 IEEE 484-2002  发电站用透气式铅酸蓄电池组设计、安装推荐规程  Recommended practice for installation design and installation of vented lead-acid batteries for stationary applications
 IEEE 485-1997  固定设施用酸性铅蓄电池尺寸测定推荐规程  Recommended practice for sizing lead-acid batteries for stationary applications
 IEEE 487-2000  电站有线通讯设施的保护  Protection of wireline communication facilities serving electric supply locations
 IEEE 488.1-1987  可编程序设备的数字接口  Digital interface for programmable instrumentation
 IEEE 488.2-1992  与IEEE 488.1-87可编程序设备的数字接口一同使用的代码、格式、协议和通用命令  Codes, formats, protocols and common commands for use with IEEE 488.1-1987 Digital interface for programmable instrumentation
 IEEE 493-1997  可靠的工业及商业电力系统设计用推荐规程  Recommended practice for design of reliable industrial and commercial power systems
 IEEE 497-2002  核电站事故监测仪器装置标准  Criteria for accident monitoring instrumentation for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 499-1989  水泥厂电气传动装置及相关电气设备的推荐规程  Recommended practice for cement plant electric drives and related electrical equipment
 IEEE 4a-2001  高压试验技术  Techniques for high-voltage testing
 IEEE 502-1985  使用矿物燃料的机组连接蒸汽站的保护、联锁及控制指南  Guide for protection, interlocking, and control of fossil-fueled unit-connected steam stations
 IEEE 505-1977  发电站电力系统术语命名  Nomenclature for generating station electric power systems
 IEEE 510-1983  高电压及高功率安全性推荐规程  Recommended practices for safety in high-voltage and high-power testing
 IEEE 515-1997  工业用电阻热示踪的试验、设计、安装及维护  Testing, design, installation, and maintenance of electrical resistance heat tracing for industrial applications
 IEEE 516-1995  供能电力导线维修方法指南  Guide for maintenance methods on energized power lines
 IEEE 516-2003  带电电力线维修方法指南  (Guide for maintenance methods on energized power lines)
 IEEE 517-1974  单自由度速率积分陀螺仪的规范格式指南和试验程序  Specification format guide and test procedure for single-degree-of-freedom rate-integrating gyros
 IEEE 518-1982  用于降低外部电源电噪声输入控制器的电气设备的安装指南  Guide for the installation of electrical equipment to minimize electrical noise inputs to controllers from external sources
 IEEE 519-1992  电源系统谐波控制推荐规程和要求  Recommended Practices and requirements for harmonic control in electrical power systems
 IEEE 521-2002  雷达频带的字母标志  Letter designations for radar-frequency bands
 IEEE 522-1992  交流旋转电机模绕定子线圈匝间绝缘的试验指南  Guide for testing turn-to-turn insulation on form-wound stator coils for alternating-current rotating electric machines
 IEEE 524-1992  架空传输线路导线的安装  Installation of overhead transmission line conductors
 IEEE 524a-1993  架空传输线路导体安装过程中的接地指南.对IEEE架空传输线路导体安装指南的补充  Guide to grounding during the installation of overhead transmission line conductors; Supplement to IEEE Guide to the installation of overhead transmission line conductors
 IEEE 525-1992  变电站电缆系统设计和安装指南  Guide for the design and installation of cable systems in substations
 IEEE 528-2001  惯性传感器术语  Inertial Sensor Terminology
 IEEE 529-1980  单自由度速率积分陀螺仪标准规范格式指南和试验程序用捷联式设备补充件  Supplement of strapdown applications to IEEE standard specification format guide and test procedure for single-degree-of-freedom rate integrating gyros
 IEEE 532-1993  电缆护套的选择和试验指南  Guide for selecting and testing jackets for underground cables
 IEEE 535-1986  核电站用1E级铅蓄电池组的鉴定  Qualification of class 1E lead storage batteries for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 539-1990  架空电力线路电晕和无线电噪声用术语的定义  Definitions of terms relating to corona and field effects of overhead power lines
 IEEE 56-1977  大型交流旋转电机(10kVA及以上)绝缘维护指南  Guide for insulation maintenance of large ac rotating machinery (10000 kVA and larger)
 IEEE 563-1978  导线自阻尼测量指南  Guide on conductor self-damping measurements
 IEEE 572-1985  核电站1E级连接组件的鉴定  Qualification of class 1E connection assemblies for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 576-2000  石化工业用绝缘电力电缆的安装、端接和试验推荐规程  Recommended practice for installation, termination, and testing of insulated power cable as used in industrial and commercial applications
 IEEE 577-1976  核电站安全系统的设计和运行中的可靠性分析要求  Requirements for reliability analysis in the design and operation of safety systems for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 583-1982  模块化工具与数字接口系统(CAMAC)  Modular instrumentation and digital interface system (CAMAC)
 IEEE 592-1990  高压电缆接头和可分离绝缘连接器的外露半导体护套  Exposed semiconducting shields on high-voltage cable joints and separable insulated connectors
 IEEE 595-1982  串行公用通道接口系统(CAMAC)  Serial highway interface system (CAMAC)
 IEEE 596-1982  并行公用通道接口系统(CAMAC)  Parallel highway interface system (CAMAC)
 IEEE 602-1996  保健设施中电气系统的推荐规程  Recommended practice for electric systems in health care facilities
 IEEE 603-1998  核电站安全系统准则  Criteria for safety systems for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 605-1998  变电所刚性总线结构的设计  Design of substation rigid-bus structures
 IEEE 610.12-1990  软件工程术语集  Glossary of software engineering terminology
 IEEE 62-1995  电力装置鉴别现场试验指南.第1部分:油浸式电力变压器,调节器和电抗器  Guide for diagnostic field testing of electrical power apparatus - Part 1: Oil filled power transformers, regulators, and reactors
 IEEE 620-1996  松鼠笼诱导机用放热极限曲线介绍指南  Guide for the presentation of thermal limit curves for squirrel cage induction machines
 IEEE 622-1987  核电站电热追踪系统的设计与安装推荐规程  Recommended practice for the design and installation of electric heat tracing systems for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 622A-1984  发电站管道电加热控制及报警系统的设计及安装用推荐规程  Recommended practice for the design and installation of electric pipe heating control and alarm systems for power generating stations
 IEEE 622B-1988  发电站电热追踪系统试验及起动程序用推荐规程  Recommended practice for testing and startup procedures for electric heat tracing systems for power generating stations
 IEEE 625-2001  水泥工业电气维护和安全改善的推荐实施规程  Recommended practices to improve electrical maintenance and safety in the cement industry
 IEEE 627-1980  核电站安全系统设备的设计鉴定  Design qualification of safety systems equipment used in nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 628-2001  核电站1E级电路的电缆管道系统的设计、安装和鉴定标准  Criteria for the design, installation, and qualification of raceway systems for class 1E circuits for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 635-1989  电力电缆铝护套的选择和设计指南  Guide for selection and design of aluminium sheaths for power cables
 IEEE 637-1985  绝缘油回收指南和绝缘油使用准则  Guide for the reclamation of insulating oil and criteria for its use
 IEEE 638-1992  核电站1E级变压器的鉴定  Qualification of class 1E transformers for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 643-1980  电力线载波应用指南  Guide for power-line carrier applications
 IEEE 644-1994  交流电力线路工业频率电场和磁场的测量方法  Measurement of power frequency electric and magnetic fields from AC power lines
 IEEE 647-1995  单轴激光陀螺规格导则和试验规程  Format guide and test procedure for single-axis laser gyros
 IEEE 649-1991  核电站1E级电动控制中心的鉴定  Qualifying class 1E motor control centers for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 650-1990  核电站1E级固定式电池充电器和逆变器的合格鉴定  Qualification of class 1E static battery chargers and inverters for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 656-1992  架空传输线可闻噪声的测量  Measurement of audible noise from overhead transmission lines
 IEEE 662-1992  半导体存储器术语  Terminology for semiconductor memory
 IEEE 664-1993  单芯电缆风振阻振器电力分散特性实验室测量指南  Guide for laboratory measurement of the power dissipation characteristics of aeolian vibration dampers for single conductors
 IEEE 665-1995  电站接地装置  Generating station grounding
 IEEE 666-1991  发电站电力服务系统设计指南  Design guide for electric power service systems for generating stations
 IEEE 67-1990  涡轮发电机操作和维护指南  Guide for operation and maintenance of turbine generators
 IEEE 671-1985  非回转惯性角度传感器急跳、加速度、速度和位移的规范格式指南  Specification format guide and test procedure for nongyroscopic inertial angular sensors; jerk, acceleration, velocity, and displacement
 IEEE 675-1982  CAMAC系统内的多重控制器  Multiple controllers in a CAMAC crate
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