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 IEEE 683-1976  CAMAC系统中数据块传输的推荐规程  Recommended practice for block transfers in CAMAC systems
 IEEE 686-1997  雷达定义  Radar definitions
 IEEE 692-1997  核电站安全系统准则  Criteria for security systems for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 693-1997  变电站抗震设计推荐规程  Recommended practices for seismic design of substations
 IEEE 7-4.3.2-1993  核能发电站安全系统中数字计算机的规范要求  Criteria for digital computers in safety systems of nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 716-1995  C/ATLAS.所有通用系统的测试语言/所有系统的测试语言的缩略(C/ATLAS)  C/ATLAS - Test language for all systems - Common/Abbreviated test language for all systems (C/ATLAS)
 IEEE 726-1982  CAMAC实时BASIC语言  Real-time BASIC for CAMAC
 IEEE 730-2002  软件质量保证计划  Software quality assurance plans
 IEEE 738-1993  架空裸导线载流量和温度的关系计算  Calculating the current-temperature relationship of bare overhead conductors
 IEEE 739-1995  工商设备中的能量消耗监控  Energy management in industrial and commercial facilities
 IEEE 741-1997  核电站1E级电力系统和设备保护标准  Criteria for the protection of class 1E power systems and equipment in nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 743-1995  电信用模拟传输参数的设备要求和测量方法  Equipment requirements and measurement techniques for analog transmission parameters for telecommunications
 IEEE 751-1990  木材传输结构试用设计指南  Trial-use design guide for wood transmission structures
 IEEE 754-1985  二进制浮点运算  Binary floating-point arithmetic
 IEEE 758-1979  CAMAC子程序  Subroutines for CAMAC
 IEEE 759-1984  半导体X射线能谱分析器的试验程序  Test procedures for semiconductor X-ray energy spectrometers
 IEEE 765-2002  核电站的择优电源  Preferred power supply (PPS) for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 776-1992  供电和通信线路电感协调的推荐规程  Recommended practice for inductive coordination of electric supply and communication lines
 IEEE 790-1989  医用超声波扫描参数测量指南  Guide for medical ultrasound field parameter measurements
 IEEE 80-2000  交流变电站接地安全指南  Guide for safety in AC substation grounding
 IEEE 802-1990  局域网和城市区域网.综述及分级结构  Local and metropolitan area networks; overview and architecture
 IEEE 802.10-1998  局域网及城域网.LAN/MAN互用的安全性(SILS)  Local and metropolitan area networks - Interoperable LAN/MAN security (SILS)
 IEEE 802.10a-1999  局域网及城域网.LAN/MAN互用的安全性(SILS)的补充.安全结构框架  Local and metropolitan area networks - Supplement to Standard for interoperable LAN/MAN security (SILS) - Security architecture framework
 IEEE 802.10c-1998  局域和城域网.局域/城域网互操作可靠性附录.键管理(第3条)  Local and metropolitan area networks - Supplement to interoperable LAN/MAN security (SILS) - Key management (Clause 3)
 IEEE 802.11-1999  信息技术.电信和系统间信息交换.局域网和城市网.特殊要求.第11部分:无线LAN媒介通路控制(MAC)和物理层(PHY)规范  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Acess Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications
 IEEE 802.11a-1999  信息技术.电信和系统间信息交换.局域网和城市网.特殊要求.第11部分:无线LAN媒介通路控制(MAC)和物理层(PHY)规范.5GHZ频带高速物理层  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Acess Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications; high-speed phys
 IEEE 802.11b Corrigendum 1-200  特殊要求.第11部分:无线局域网媒体访问控制(MAC)和物理层(PHY)规范.扩展到2.4GHZ带宽的高速物理层.勘误1  (Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Acess Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications; Amendment 2: Higher-speed physical layer extension in the 2.4 GHz band; Corrigendum 1)
 IEEE 802.11b Corrigendum 1-2001  特殊要求.第11部分:无线局域网媒体访问控制(MAC)和物理层(PHY)规范.扩展到2.4GHZ带宽的高速物理层.勘误1  Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Acess Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications; Amendment 2: Higher-speed physical layer extension in the 2.4 GHz band; Corrigendum 1
 IEEE 802.11b-1999  无线局域网媒体访问控制(MAC)和物理层(PHY)规范.扩展到2.4 GHZ带宽的高速物理层  Wireless LAN Medium Acess Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications - Higher-speed physical layer extension in the 2.4 GHZ band
 IEEE 802.11d-2001  信息技术.系统间电信和信息交换.局域和都市局域网特殊要求.第1部分:无线局域网媒介通路控制(MAC)和物理层规范(PHY).修改件3.在附加管理域内的操作规范  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems; Local and metropolitan area networks; Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless lan medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications; Amendment 3: Spe
 IEEE 802.11F-2003  由支持IEEE 802.1  (Trial-use recommended practice for multi-vendor access point interoperability via an inter-access point protocol across distribution systems supporting IEEE 802.1)
 IEEE 802.12-1998  信息技术.远程通信和系统间信息交换.城市网和局域网.特殊要求.第12部分:预先要求通路方法,物理层和重复者规范  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 12: Demand-Priority access method, physical layer and repeater specifications
 IEEE 802.15.2-2003  信息技术.系统间远程通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第15.2部分:无线个人区域网与其它在未许可频  ()
 IEEE 802.15.3-2003  信息技术.系统间远程通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第15.3部分:高速率无线个人区域网用无线媒体  ()
 IEEE 802.15.4-2003  信息技术.系统间远程通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第15.4部分:低速率无线个人区域网用无线媒体  ()
 IEEE 802.16 Conformance01-2003  IEEE 802.16的一致性标准.第1部分:协议实现一致性声明(PICS).10-66GHz MAN-SC  (Standard for conformance to IEEE 802.16 - Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS); Proforma for 10-66 GHz WirelessMAN-SC)
 IEEE 802.16-2001  局域和城域网.第16部分:固定宽带无线存取系统的空气界面  Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 16: Air interface for fixed broadband wireless acess systems
 IEEE 802.16.2-2001  局域网和城域网.固定宽带无线存取系统共存性  Local and metropolitan area networks - Coexistence of fixed broadband wireless acess systems
 IEEE 802.16a-2003  局域网和城域网.第16部分:固定宽带无线存取系统的空中接口.修改件2:存取频率为2-11GHz时媒体访问控制修改和  (Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 16: Air interface for fixed broadband wireless acess systems; Amendment 2: Medium access control modifications and additional physical layer specifications)
 IEEE 802.1B-1995  信息技术.系统间的通信和信息交换.局域网和城市区域网.普通规格.第二部分:LAN/MAN管理  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Common specifications - Part 2: LAN/MAN management
 IEEE 802.1D-1998  信息技术.系统间的通信和信息交换.局域网.媒体存取控制(MAC)桥接器  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems; Local and metropolitan area networks; Common specifications - Part 3: Media Access Control (MAC) bridges
 IEEE 802.1E-1994  信息技术.系统间的通信和信息交换.局域网和城市区域网.普通规格.第四部分:系统加载协议  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Common specifications - Part 4: System load protocol
 IEEE 802.1F-1993  局域网和城域网:IEEE 802管理信息的通用定义和程序  Local and metropolitan area networks: Common definitions and procedures for IEEE 802 management information
 IEEE 802.1G-1998  信息技术.系统间电信和信息交换.局域网和城市网.常规规范.第5部分:远媒介通路控制桥(MAC)  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Common specifications - Part 5: Remote Media Access Control (MAC) bridging
 IEEE 802.1H-1997  信息技术.系统间的通讯和信息交换.技术报告和导则.局域网和城市网.在 IEEE 802局域网中 V2.0 以太网的媒体通道控制电桥  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Technical reports and guidelines - Part 5: Media Access Control (MAC) bridging of Ethernet V2.0 in local area networks
 IEEE 802.1Q-1998  局域网和城域网.虚拟桥接局域网  Local and metropolitan area networks - Virtual bridged local area networks
 IEEE 802.1s-2002  局域网和城域网.虚拟桥接局域网.修改件3:多重生成树  Local and metropolitan area networks - Virtual bridged local area networks; Amendment 3: Multiple spanning trees
 IEEE 802.1t-2001  局域网和城域网.通用规范.第1部分:媒体访问控制(MAC)桥接器.修改件1  Local and metropolitan area networks - Common specifications - Part 3: Media Access Control (MAC) bridges; Amendment 1
 IEEE 802.1u-2001  局域网和城域网.虚拟桥接局域网.修改件1:技术和编辑上的修正  Local and metropolitan area networks - Virtual bridged local area networks; Amendment 1: Technical and editorial corrections
 IEEE 802.1v-2001  局域网和城域网.虚拟桥接局域网.修改件2:根据协议和端口对VLAN分类  Local and metropolitan area networks - Virtual bridged local area networks; Amendment 2: VLAN classification by protocol and port
 IEEE 802.1w-2001  局域网和城域网.通用规范.第3部分:媒体访问控制(MAC)桥接器.修改件2:快速在配置  Local and metropolitan area networks - Common specifications - Part 3: Media access control (MAC) bridges; Amendment 2: Rapid reconfiguration
 IEEE 802.1X-2001  局域和都市区域网络.网络通路控制  Local and metropolitan area networks - Port-based network access control
 IEEE 802.2-1998  信息技术.系统间的通信和信息交换.局域网和城市区域网.特殊要求.第二部分:逻辑链路控制  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 2: Logical link control
 IEEE 802.3-2002  信息技术.系统间的通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第3部分:采用冲突检测存取方法的载波检测多址(CSMA/CD)及物理层规范  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems; Local and metropolitan area networks; Specific requirements - Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer s
 IEEE 802.3ae-2002  信息技术.系统间的通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第3部分:采用冲突检测存取方法的载波检测多址(CSMA/CD)及物理层规范.修改件:媒体访问控制(MAC)参数、物理层和10GB/S操作的管理参数  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems; Local and metropolitan area networks; Specific requirements - Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer s
 IEEE 802.3af-2003  信息技术.系统间远程通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第3部分:冲突检测载波检测多路访问(CSMA/CD)  ()
 IEEE 802.5-1998  信息技术.电信和系统间的信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第5部分:令牌环存取方法及物理层规范  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 5: Token ring access method and physical layer specifications
 IEEE 802.5r and 802.5j-1998  信息技术.电信和信息交换间的系统.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第5部分:令牌环存取方法及物理层规范.修改件1:专用令牌环操作和光纤介质  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 5: Token ring access method and physical layer specifications; Amendment 1: Dedicated token ring ope
 IEEE 802.5t-2000  信息技术.电信和信息交换间的系统.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第5部分的修改件:令牌环存取方法及物理层规范  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Amendment to Part 5: Token ring access method and physical layer specifications
 IEEE 802.5v-2001  信息技术.系统间通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.特殊要求.第5部分:令牌环存取方法和物理层规范.修改件5:千兆位令牌环操作  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks; Specific requirements - Part 5: Token ring access method and physical layer specifications; Amendment 5: Gigabit token ring operat
 IEEE 802.5w-2000  信息技术.系统间的远程通信和信息交换.局域网和城域网.第5部分:令牌环存取方法及物理层规范.技术勘误1  Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems; Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 5: Token ring access method and physical layer specifications; Corrigendum 1
 IEEE 802.6-1994  信息技术.系统间的通信和信息交换.局域网和城市区域网.特殊要求.第6部分:分布式列对双总线(DQDB)存取方法及物理层规范  Information technology; telecommunications and information exchange between systems; local and metropolitan area networks; specific requirements; part 6: distributed queue dual bus (DQDB) access method and physical layer specifications
 IEEE 802.6j-1995  局域网和城域网:对分布式列对双总线(DQDB)存取方法及物理层规范的补充.城域网分布式列对双总线(DQDB)子网上的定向连接服务  Local and metropolitan area networks: Supplement to Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) access method and physical layer specifications - Connection-oriented service on a Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) subnetwork of a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
 IEEE 802.7-1989  宽带局域网的推荐规程  Recommended practice for broadband local area networks
 IEEE 802.9-1994  局域网和城市区域网.在媒体存取控制和物理层上的集成服务局域网接口  Local and metropolitan area networks - Integrated Services (IS) LAN interface at the Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) layers
 IEEE 802a-2003  局域网和城域网:概述和体系结构.修改件1:原型和供货商专用协议开发用以太网  (Local and metropolitan area networks: Overview and architecture; Amendment 1: Ethertypes for prototype and vendor-specific protocol development)
 IEEE 803-1983  发电厂及相关设施特殊标识的推荐规程,原则及定义  Recommended practice for unique identification in power plants and related facilities; principles and definitions
 IEEE 803.1-1992  电厂及相关设施特殊标识的推荐规程,件功能标识符  Recommended practice for unique identification in power plants and related facilities; component function identifiers
 IEEE 805-1984  核电站和相关设备识别系统的推荐规范  Recommended practice for system identification in nuclear power plants and related facilities
 IEEE 81-1983  接地系统的接地电阻率,接地阻抗及地表电位的测量指南  Guide for measuring earth resistivity, ground impedance, and earth surface potentials of a ground system
 IEEE 81.2-1991  大型,扩展或互连接地系统阻抗及安全特性测量指南  Guide for measurement of impedance and safety characteristics of large, extended or interconnected grounding systems
 IEEE 813-1988  双级自动大型回转仪的格式化规范指南和试验程序  Specification format guide and test procedue for two-degree-of-freedom dynamically tuned gyros
 IEEE 82-2002  绝缘导体脉冲电压测试程序  (Test procedure for impulse voltage tests on insulated conductors)
 IEEE 824-1994  电力系统中的串联电容器  Series capacitors in power systems
 IEEE 828-1998  软件配置管理方案  Software configuration management plans
 IEEE 829-1998  软件测试文件编制  Software test documentation
 IEEE 830-1998  软件要求规范的规程  Practice for software requirements specifications
 IEEE 833-1988  核电站电气设备防水害设施推荐规范  Recommended practice for the protection of electric equipment in nuclear power generating stations from water hazards
 IEEE 835-1994  电力电缆的载流量表  Power cable ampacity tables
 IEEE 836-2001  线性加速度测量仪精密离心试验推荐规程  Recommended practice for precision centrifuge testing of linear accelerometers
 IEEE 837-1989  变电站接地永久性联接的鉴定  Qualifying permanent connections used in substation grounding
 IEEE 837-2002  变电站接地中使用的永久性连接的鉴定  (Qualifying permanent connections used in substation grounding)
 IEEE 841-2001  石油和化学工业.最高达370kW(500hp)的全封闭风扇冷却式重载鼠笼式感应电动机  Petroleum and chemical industry - Severe duty Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) - Squirrel cage induction motors, up to and including 370 kW (500 hp)
 IEEE 845-1999  核电站人因系统性能评价指南  Guide for the evaluation of human-system performance in nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 848-1996  防火电缆安载流容量降低额定值测定用工艺程序  Procedure for the determination of the ampacity derating of fire-protected cables
 IEEE 854-1987  与基数无关的浮点运算  Radix-independent floating-point arithmetic
 IEEE 857-1996  高压直流半导体闸流管阀试验程序推荐规程  Recommended practice for test procedures for high-voltage direct-current thyristor valves
 IEEE 896.1-1994  信息技术.微机系统.未来总线,逻辑协议规范  Information technology - Microprocessor systems - Futurebus+ - Logical protocol specification
 IEEE 896.10-1997  航天器上未来总线系统标准.剖面S  Standard for Futurebus+ spaceborne systems - Profile S
 IEEE 896.5-1993  未来总线;M剖面(军事)  Futurebus+; profile M (military)
 IEEE 896.5-1995  增强型未来总线(Futurebus).子集M(军事)  (Futurebus+; profile M (military))
 IEEE 896.5a-1994  未来总线.M剖面(军事).勘误表.校正和阐明  Futurebus+ - Profile M (military): Errata, corrections and clarifications
 IEEE 91-1984  逻辑功能用图形符号  Graphic symbols for logic functions
 IEEE 91a-1991  逻辑功能用图形符号的补充件  Supplement to graphic symbols for logic functions
 IEEE 91A/91-1991  逻辑函数的图形符号  Graphic symbols for logic functions
 IEEE 928-1986  地面光电电力系统性能标准  Recommended criteria for terrestrial photovoltaic power systems
 IEEE 929-2000  住宅和中继光电系统设备接口用推荐规范  Recommended practice for utility interface of photovoltaic (PV) systems
 IEEE 933-1999  核电站可靠性计划方案的定义  Definition of reliability program plans for nuclear power generating stations
 IEEE 935-1989  带电工作用工具和设备的术语指南  Guide on terminology for tools and equipment to be used in live line working
 IEEE 937-2000  光电系统用铅酸蓄电池组的安装及维护推荐规程  Recommended practice for installation and maintenance of lead-acid batteries for photovoltaic (PV) systems
 IEEE 945-1984  电气与电子科技中使用的米制优先单位的推荐规范  Recommended practice for preferred metric units for use in electrical and electronics science and technology
 IEEE 946-1992  发电站用直流辅助电源系统设计的推荐规程  Recommended practice for the design of DC auxiliary power systems for generating stations
 IEEE 95-1977  带直流高压的大型交流旋转电动机绝缘测试的实用推荐规程  Recommended practice for insulation testing of large ac rotating machinery with high direct voltage
 IEEE 95-2002  带直流高压的交流电动机械(2300V及以上)的绝缘试验操作规程  (Practice for insulation testing of AC electric machinery (2300 V and above) with high direct voltage)
 IEEE 951-1996  金属输电结构的装配和架设指南  Guide to the assembly and erection of metal transmission structures
 IEEE 952-1997  单轴干涉仪式纤维光学旋转罗盘的标准格式指南和试验程序  Specification format guide and test procedure for single-axis interferometric fiber optic gyros
 IEEE 957-1995  绝缘子清洁处理指南  Guide for cleaning insulators
 IEEE 960-1993  FASTBUS模块化高速数据采集和控制系统  FASTBUS modular high-speed data acquisition and control system and FASTBUS standard routines
 IEEE 977-1991  输电线结构基础安装南指南  Guide to installation of foundations for transmission line structures
 IEEE 979-1994  变电所防火指南  Guide for substation fire protection
 IEEE 98-2002  固体电绝缘材料热评定用测试程序的编制  Preparation of test procedures for the thermal evaluation of solid electrical insulation materials
 IEEE 980-1994  变电站油泄漏防止与控制指南  Guide for containment and control of oil spills in substations
 IEEE 982.1-1988  可靠软件开发方法的标准字典  Standard dictionary of measures to produce reliable software
 IEEE 982.2-1988  可靠软件开发方法的IEEE标准词典使用指南  Guide for the use of IEEE standard dictionary of measures to produce reliable software
 IEEE 99-1980  电气设备绝缘系统热评定用测试程序编制实用推荐规程  Recommended practice for the preparation of test procedures for the thermal evaluation of insulation systems for electric equipment
 IEEE 991-1986  逻辑电路图  Logic circuit diagrams
 IEEE 993-1997  测试设备描述语言(TEDL)  Test equipment description language (TEDL)
 IEEE 998-1996  变电站的直接防雷击遮避物  Direct lightning stroke shielding of substations
 IEEE 999-1992  主/远程监视控制和数据采集(SCADA)通信系统的推荐规范  Recommended practice for master/remote supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) communications
 IEEE C 12.1-1988  电计量代码  Code for electricity metering
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